The Bold Voice of J&K

Controversy on Kanhaiya

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Dr. Kuldeep Singh

Yes, as a citizen of this nation like all others, I am also perturbed over the incident of 9th February, 2016 at Jawahar Lal Nehru University where anti-nation slogans were raised.
Over this issue three student leaders were arrested on the charges of seditious activities. One of these leaders, Kanhaiya Kumar the JNU Student Union Leader is presently on bail granted by Delhi High Court.
Every political party has own mouth piece in student community. The present case could be exactly like that I strongly presume, because of being a college teacher from Jammu J and K going to attain superannuation in March 2017.
Since, the case is in Court and being a citizen from extreme border State, I believe the time will expose the truth whatever shall pour in future media reports. Two videos have been reported doctored by the Hyderabad based Forensic Lab related to JNU events dated 9th February. Let us wait and watch what is more in store.
After getting bail, Kanhaiya has advocated Rohith Bemula as his ideal but not the Afzal Guru who was the citizen of this country but convicted by Apex Court and thus got executed after holding Special Court at night to listen his group of counsels.
Rohith Bemula was a Ph.D student from south. As regards his suicide is concerned, we heard Samriti Irani speaking on this subject perhaps on 25th of February in Lok Sabha. I personally commend her, the way she spoke proving that she is highly qualified. She convinced one and all that Rohith has committed suicide.
On following day we heard Ghulam Nabi Azad on same subject. He was not my ideal but the way Azad negated the suicide theory, I have turned his fan also. Azad rebutted the points of Samriti Irani projecting evidences one after the other. He proved that Rohith was forced to commit suicide by rival mouth piece student community of the ruling party.
Since we are getting news through media, let us watch with hope that truth prevails at last. Whatever is poured in media till day, our political leaders may realise that laws need amendments so that institutes grow both academically and professionally to compete with world class by ending all kinds of political activities, it is our earnest desire.
Moreover, from ruling side, one leader has announced Rs 5 lakh as reward money who cuts the tongue of Kanhaiya; another has announced Rs 11 lakh prize money to kill him and one ruling MP aspiring to get announced BJP CM candidate for UP has said that no Jinnah [founder of Pakistan] would be allowed to take birth in India.
All these are open threats that need to be looked upon by the concerned. As a college teacher we have seen acute and prolonged strikes in GGM Science College and MAM College from Jammu division of J and K. Mostly outside agencies were the backbones of such strikes. Respective principals and some faithful have no other alternative except to enter into secret pact with student leaders enjoying support from heavy weights having always opposed Kashmir based ruling on Jammu region with an agenda of separate Jammu.
What emerges here more important is the need to pass a Bill that bans all student organisations having political links. Their study periods need to be linked with NSS activities promoting involvement of students with people living in respective vicinity to understand their problems, mitigate these issues and emerge as society linked leaders. All this to happen is beyond the vision of the rulers
Presently, Mr. Kanhaiya the JNU President charged with seditious activities on February 9 last is granted bail. This bail order requires further dissemination in particular for student community who are the agents of outside agencies the politicians belonging to various political parties.
This bail order is delivered by Justice Pratibha Rani that one and all must go through granting six months conditional bail carrying directives to JNU authorities in guiding the students. The significant part of this order is as under:
[a] The judgment starts with the lyrics of popular song- Mere Desh Ki Dharti from Manoj Kumar’s classic Upkar representing love for motherland. Rang Hara Hari Singh Nalve Se; Rang Laal Hai Lal Bahadur Se; Rang Bana Basanti Bhagat Singh; Rang Aman Ka Veer Jawahar Se; Mere Desh Ki Dharti Sona Ugle; Ugle Hherae Moti, Mere Desh Ki Dharti.”
[b] The faculty of JNU has to play vital role in guiding students to the right path achieving the vision for which JNU stands established.
[c] The thoughts contained in slogans raised in the programme cannot be claimed as protected under freedom of speech and expression and these need to be controlled or cured before these turn epidemic, the judgment quotes.
[d] The judgment quotes to respect the troops on border. As because of these troops protecting borders they all are enjoying freedom of speech. As President of JNU student Union, Kanhaiya is responsible and accountable for any anti-national activity in the campus. Forces are stationed at highest altitude where oxygen deficiency is there and because of their sacrifices you all are safe and at this site the anti-national elements holding portrait of Afzal Guru and Maqbool Bhat may even cannot survive. The kinds of slogans raised have demoralising effects on martyrs’ family, the judgment said.
[e] Keeping in view the family background of Kanhaiya the Court said- instead of monetary bond, furnish the bond with undertaking not to get involved actively or passively in any activity that can be termed as anti-national; he will use his power to control anti-national activities in the campus.

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