The Bold Voice of J&K

Yearn for change

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Chief Minister  Mufti Mohammad Sayeed may be diplomatic  while answering  questions on opening  of cinema theatres in Kashmir  Valley and why not  he has valid  reasons  to go by  but when it comes to film shooting he is open in inviting Bollywood to come to Valley. As everyone knows  shooting won’t go public but will rake in money  but opening of  theatres as seen  could be  a ‘cultural invasion’ which would  rake in more money in terms of entertainment  tax from the movie goers. The closing  of theatres  howsoever has not been able to  stop  the private  viewing  of films through  the smuggled DVDs. In an era of technology infusion and internet  it looks illogical to think  by banning  movies  in theatre  can  safeguard  the culture. There is no invasion  as perceived  by a  section  of the society  for the reasons  best known  to them . People have alternate  choices and they  choose as per  their own  comfort  and convenience which  no diktat can change  or alter. But in this war of ideologies  it is the government which is financially  deprived  of a major share  of revenue in terms  of entertainment  tax in particular and in general  the masses deprived of the real entertainment and the industry  a big market of young and educated  and financially independent  strong population  who today are global citizens and not just confined to  the regional boundaries. Cinema theaters were closed in Kashmir Valley  in 1989 following  eruption  of militancy  and the  militants in the past have scuttled any efforts to reopen these entertainment venues. If the State Government is really  serious  that Bollywood  should comeback for shooting of films, the  industry linked  with entertainment  too would expect  that the  people’s  choice should also have the freedom to choose and not that  militants diktat  continues. Why entertainment becomes  a victim of myopic ideology? Militancy has  not  made good  and tourism too was victim  of this  battle. But tide is turning. People want the change  and the Mufti government should  not hesitate in taking  positive step  to revive  the entertainment  industry just  as the previous National Conference Government led by Omar Abdullah showcased the mesmerizing  Zubin Mehta  concert in 2013 despite all  objections . There is always space for moderation and  change. That is what the youth of Valley today must  be yearning for.

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