The Bold Voice of J&K

World Heart Day

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Dr Sartaj Ahmad Guroo

Every year, September 29, is being celebrated as the World Heart Day in order to draw attention of people towards cardiovascular diseases (CVD), their management, as well as the worldwide toll they take on society. Celebration of world heart day is a global campaign through which world heart federation unite people to fight against CVD.
World heart federation is a non-governmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland,in collaboration with world health organization observed the first world heart dayin 1999. Till 2011 this day was observed on last Sunday of September, from 2012 onwards it’s being observed on 29th September. Every year this day is celebrated with a theme, in order to make people aware about one particular aspect of CVD, this year’s theme is “Use heart, know heart is open-ended”.It’s an open ended theme in which one can choose any topic of his interest to make people aware about CVD.
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD):
Cardiovascular diseases are diverse group of diseases of the heart and blood vessels( arteries and veins) which are commonly called as heart disease and stroke. Cardiovascular diseases continue to be the leading cause of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 19 million people die from CVD which is around 33% of total deaths globally while deaths due to cancer are 10 million every year. More than 75% of CVD deaths occur in under developed and developing nations. Many of these deaths are avoidable that can be done by lifestyle modifications and early detection of CVD. The symptoms of cardiovascular disease are vague depending upon the type of CVD and the first presentation may be in the form of stroke or heart attack.
These facts show how fatal cardiovascular diseases are, hence it is important to designate a day for the awareness of these diseases. This is how World Heart Day was observed by the collaboration of world heart federation and world health organization. This day demands from us to make a list of all such activities that are damaging our hearts and leave them at once.
Risk factors for CVD
Cardiovascular diseases are caused by multiple risk factors like social, economic, behavioral, and environmental risk factors, including High Blood Pressure, Unhealthy Diet, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Obesity, Tobacco, Air Pollution, Kidney Disease, sedentary lifestyle, Harmful use of alcohol and stress. Besides these,family history, ethnic background, sex can also increase the risk of CVD. With increasing age the risk of CVD increases. Some of these risk factors cannot be modified like family history but many of these risk factors are modifiable like high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, alcohol use. As per WHO about 80% of all heart attacks and strokes are preventable. Regular monitoring of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels help in reducing the deaths due to CVD.
Treatment for CVD
The treatment of cardiovasculardisease is easy when detected early. If you have a family history of heart disease then periodic checkup by the doctor can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The recommended treatment for cardiovascular disease depends on the condition, but can include:

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