The Bold Voice of J&K

World Day for International Justice

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Omkar Dattatray

Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law & be responsive are the benchmarks of providing justice to people in the world. “Justice cannot be attained by violence. Violence kills what it intends to create ” is an old axiom. On July 17,the world every year observes world Day for International Justice to mark the occasion the emergence of a modern system of justice against international criminal acts. The International Criminal court -ICC was formally established on July following the adoption of the Rome Statute. The goal of this day is to bring together everyone who wants to support justice and victims’ rights .Its function is to help in the prevention of crimes and those that endanger the world’s peace ,security and well-being .Several organizational groups drew people’s attention to specific issues such as violence against women ,genocide ,and so on. World Day for International Justice ,also called as Day of international criminal justice or International Justice Day ,is an international day celebrated annually throughout the world on July 17 as part of an effort to recognize the emerging system. World Day for international Justice is celebrated on 17 July because this is the anniversary of the Rome Statute in 1998. It was with the help of this treaty that the International Criminal Court was established. So every year on July 17 ,World Day for International Justice is observed all around the world. The aim is to promote international criminal justice and as a way of supporting the work of the ICC. ICC stands for the International Criminal Court. It came into being when 120 states adopted a a statute in Rome .It was known as the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court {the Rome Statute} All the countries that agreed to adopt the statute were accepting the jurisdiction of the ICC, with regard to the prosecution of every serious crime. The idea was not for the ICC to replace national courts. It is only able to intervene when a country can’t or won’t carry out investigations and prosecute perpetrators.
The aim of this day is to unite everyone who wants to support justice as well as promote victims’ rights. It is to help prevent serious crimes and those that put the peace, security and well-being of the world at risk. There are a number of different ways you can play a part. Why not write an article or a blog to highlight the need for justice where you live ? You could send a communication to your local elected representative and voice your opinion. Speak to members of your government. Or take part in one of the many events that will be held in cities around the world. In fact International Day for Justice commemorates the historic adoption of the Rome statute on July 17,1998, and marks the importance of continuing the fight against impunity and bringing justice for the victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere .Since when you do have to agree with the people to defend them from injustice ?If it were not for justice, men would not know justice. It is a denial of justice not to stretch out a helping hand to the fallen, that is common right of humanity.’
‘World Day of Social Justice2024 is centered around the theme-Bridging Gaps ,Building Alliances . This year’s theme is “Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing opportunities for social Justice” which focuses on the recommendations of the United Nations to strengthen global solidarity and rebuild trust in governments .World Day for International Justice 2024 is dedicated to promoting criminal justice and supporting the work of the ICC in ensuring accountability for serious crimes such as genocide ,war crimes, and crimes against humanity .This day marks the importance of bringing justice for the victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. World Day for International Justice marks an emerging modern system of justice against international acts. It is also known as International Criminal Justice Day or International Justice Day .The day is important as it unites people who not only wish to support justice and promote the rights of the victims but also help to prevent crimes that pose a challenge to the peace ,security and well being of the world .World Day for international Justice celebrates the virtues of justice established by modern courts in different parts of the world. The idea of justice covers many areas including social, political, and economic justice. The day marks the anniversary of the Rome Statute on 17th July 1998, the founding treaty of the international Criminal Court -ICC.
It was with the help of this treaty that the International Criminal Court was established. The day marks the importance of bringing justice for the victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. The day helps to raise awareness among people for protection against several crimes and also warns those individuals who try to disturb the peace, security and well-being of the humanity. With the invention of digital labor platforms providing vast income -generating possibilities and other advantages, there is also the added risk of criminal acts resorting to digital means. Thus, this day also includes spreading awareness over criminal justice on a digital platform. On this day individuals who are working to advocate the fundamental human rights of victims affected by criminal acts are honoured. Various events across the world are organized to promote this day and also to support the International Criminal Court -ICC. Various news channels, newspapers and radio promote this day and bring the focus of people on serious issues like violence against women, genocide etc. ICC is the world’s first permanent international criminal court. ICC investigates and tries people charged with serious and grave crimes such as genocide ,crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crimes of aggression.ICC is the court of last resort .To conclude it can be opined that the world justice Day is celebrated to mark the importance to promote justice and prosecute those people who commit serious crimes against humanity. The importance of this day cannot be exaggerated and it attracts the attention of the people towards promoting justice in the world and to minimize serious crimes against women, humanity and war crimes. .Let on this day we resolve to fight war crimes, crimes against women and serious crimes against humanity so that people of the world live in a secured and peaceful environment.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist).

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