The Bold Voice of J&K

Will not accept hegemony of secessionist forces: Panun Kashmir

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JAMMU: Panun Kashmir has termed the simultaneous worldwide and nationwide protest rallies and demonstrations on the World Refugee Day as referendum on separate Homeland in Kashmir for the Kashmiri Pandits (KPs).

Taking stock of the political situation and response of the community to the demonstrations on World Refugee Day, Vijay Bhat, President, Panun Kashmir said that religiously cleansed Kashmiri Pandit community has upheld the Margdarshan Resolution-91 again on 20th June all over the globe and reaffirmed their commitment for the separate Homeland in Kashmir. “It is a slap on the face of all the black sheep and fifth column of the community who tried their best to sell the interests and human rights of the community to the enemies”, he added.

He said that the present BJP dispensation at the centre which like the Congress regime has tried to sabotage the Homeland demand of Kashmiri Pandits to bail out the Kashmiri Muslim Jihadi operatives  to paint the false picture of secularism in the name of so called ‘Kashmiriyat’ has been exposed by the valour and sacrifice of the community. “The opportunist PDP-BJP regime in the state of Jammu and Kashmir has been given a clear message that Kashmiri Pandits no longer will accept the communal hegemony of the secessionist forces in Kashmir whose sole aim is the Islamisation of Kashmir in which the middlemen of the central government calling themselves as right wing ideologues are instrumental to wreck the national interest. It is for the second consecutive time that the show boys and quislings of the government who want to bail out our killers from the crime of genocide inflicted upon us in 1990 have been made to eat a humble pie. The more these bounty hunters try to sabotage the separate Homeland demand, more strength will be gained by the separate Homeland demand of Kashmiri Pandits,” Bhat maintained

Warning the  pseudo leaders and fifth column he said, “Panun Kashmir establishment and its international network supported by highly professional human resource manning various departments of Homeland revolution guided by the Polit Bureau is keeping a keen eye on all the developments and warns all the traitors of the movement to stop their  anti community activities for self interests. No other model than the Homeland Model for return and rehabilitation envisaged in the Margdarshan resolution-91 is acceptable to the community.”

Delving upon the future strategy after the success of the World Refugee day demonstrations, Vijay Bhat said, “Panun Kashmir has chalked out mass public outreach programme and will carry on the struggle at various fronts with sole focus on mobilisation of all resources of the community for the infrastructural development of separate Homeland in Kashmir.”

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