The Bold Voice of J&K

Will love-pangs with Pakistan gain momentum?

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JAMMU: In the backdrop of Bharatiya Janata Party mellowing down its stand on several crucial issues concerning Kashmir in the hope of forming a first ever government with saffron blend in the sensitive State, Pakistan has again resorted to and escalated ceasefire violations on the borders.

Systematic euphoria on CBMs and Indo-Pak dialogue is set to witness new impetus in Kashmir.

During the past four days, four border skirmishes were reported from Kathua and Jammu Districts even as the strong votary of Indo-Pak dialogue, Peoples’ Democratic Party is dictating terms to BJP for possible alliance to govern. Will the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, known for his strong views on terror and terror monsters in Pakistan, buy all these conditions in a desperate bid to form the government? If it happens, as has happened over the u-turn on key issues like Article 370, the war against terror and efforts to neutrilise Pakistan will receive an unaffordable setback.
The security environment as of now can’t be described as conducive, as the chronic and nagging neighbours, China and Pakistan, have taken full advantage of the weak government in New Delhi over a decade. The two neighbouring countries in the backyard have total synergy in weakening and bruising India. They are working in tandem to test the nerves of ruling elite in this country. The difference is only that of degrees. Pakistan is perhaps pushing it with severity, notwithstanding aggressive posturing of New Delhi after the installation of BJP led government.
In such a situation, India cannot afford to remain complacent, as its muteness is being taken as license for doing anything and everything against the nation and its people. The recurrent acts of violations on International Border has brought a point back home that nothing can deter Islamabad from carrying forward its anti-India agenda. The attempts will only see intensity to make the political situation in Kashmir further murkier. There had been alarming continuity and intensity in these violations and attempts of infiltration, especially after the Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief made a debut at the coronation of BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 26th May this year but a sort of lull during the past over a month had raised hope that Indian tough stance had made the neighbour to redraw strategies. But that was not to be.
Fluctuating politics has been a real curse for 1.25 billion strong India. It has taken toll of Indian pride. Otherwise, how come the party that fought 2014 elections on anti-Pak plank gave such a long rope to Pakistan that it openly challenged Indian sovereignty by hobnobbing with Kashmiri secessionists and provoking on border. The BJP led government offered olive branch to Islamabad at the outset by agreeing to Secretary level talks and then cancelling it after gravest provocations on International Border, leading to exodus of a sizable border population. True, the Modi government took long due step of snubbing Islamabad by putting off the Secretary level talks, it has not so far framed up its stand on unprovocative firing, attempts to push in terrorists and violating ceasefire agreement. Mere assertions of befitting reply are not enough. The Modi government can’t afford to entertain demands of resuming talks with the rogue nation, which have been coming up from fringe elements across the country and mainstream politicians in the Kashmir Valley. These voices may grow with the formation of a new government, if the current stalemate fades away in a day or so.
Jammu and Kashmir is not only heading for more skirmishes on the borders but a systematic euphoria will gain momentum in the Valley itself for initiating dialogue process with rogue Pakistan for solving the so-called Kashmir imbroglio and to push forward populist Confidence Building Measures (CBMs). Let it be noted that whatsoever CBM’s taken during the past one decade have had no serious impact in bringing the peoples of two Kashmir closer. Instead, the cross border trade last year witnessed a new route for pushing in narcotic by Pakistan pampered terror regime.
The Modi government, currently in desperate bid to have BJPs share in the new State dispensation, may have to measure its steps rather cautiously.

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