The Bold Voice of J&K

Wild life in religious perspective

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Shiv Kumar Padha

‘Save earth, save wild life, save environment’ Are the slogans echoing in the nook and corner of the globe these days. Question arises, after all who is responsible for posing threat to our earth, wild life and environment? The answer to the question need not be sought from anywhere because it is the only mankind who is cutting the same branch of the tree on which it is sitting quietly and peacefully.
The mankind, by its very nature, has been expansionist since evolution. Increasing population at global level and the need for meeting its requirements have compelled him to spread its tentacles on the land, in the deep oceans and the infinite space has resulted in the global warming, greenhouse effect and depletion of ozone layer. The encroachment of the animal habitation by mankind has resulted in the extinction of many animal species like lions, white tiger, musk deer, black buck, Kail (pashmina yielding) goat of Leh and hangal (a deer found in Kashmir region). Cutting of forests for selfish purpose has brought with it extinction of many bird species like eagles, vultures (natural scavengers) and hawks (birds of prey).
There was a time when animals lived with human beings, peacefully and amicably confined to their respective territories. Their existence depended largely upon their interdependence on the earth. Unlike present age the animals have always proved a true and sincere friend of mankind since time immemorial. According to first shaloka of Geeta, ‘god descends on earth, whenever there is erosion of human values and evil forces dominate the noble one’s’. Our scriptures and epics have ample evidences about the descending of god (Vishnu) on the earth partially or completely in the shape of animals.
In Sanatan dharm (The oldest dharm of mankind) the human beings and the animals lived in peace and harmony. It is true, but for the assistance and cooperation of the animal world our gods of the times could not have achieved their goals of liberating the life on the earth from the terror of evil forces. The animal world can be classified as aquatic (water animals), terrestrial (animals of land), aerial (birds) and amphibians (of water and land).
Our Vedas, Granths, Upnishad, Ramayan, Mahabharat, and all Puranas are full of examples about the successive births of lord Vishnu on earth in different shapes and forms from time to time. Once Sankadi seers (rishi) went to Vaikunth Dham (heaven) with the desire of having a glimpse of Shri Hari (god Vishnu) but they were checked and not allowed to enter the seventh gate by jay Vijay the ‘parshads’ of the dham.
The seers could not pocket such insult and sent a curse upon them . As a result of curse these two ‘parshads’ were born as the two sons of Kashyapmuni and mother Dakshputri Aditi with the names of Harnyaksh and Harnyakshap. Harnyakash, a powerful daitya, in order to teach lesson to Devtaas (angels) sank the whole earth in the deep ocean which was later on brought back on the surface by Varha, pig like wild with rough hair and an incarnation of god Vishnu, with its snout. As per the commitment, god Varha vanished Harnyaksh from the soil and sent him to his abode.
Out of 24 avtars of lord Vishnu we come across with the Matsya avtar of god not only in ancient Aryan epics but also in sacred Bible. One day when Manu maharaj took fistful of water for achman he noticed a new born fish in his palm. He wanted to put it back in the water but that small creature forbade him to do so till it grows too large to be contained in any water reservoir except the ocean with the fear lest the big creatures should swallow it and prayed for asylum.
The little creature warned Manu Maharaj about the impending danger of tsunami and promised to help save the planet earth from the devastation and destruction caused by the tsunami in the coming centuries. As per the warning the planet earth started drowning in tsunami waters which tried to capsize Manu Maharaj’s boat but with the remembrance of god Matsya the whole danger of tsunami was averted and the planet was saved from destruction forever. God Kurm or Kashap (torotoise) came on earth for the purpose of bringing peace and harmony between Sur (angels) and asur (devils).
Mountain Mandirgiri was used as churner (mathani) where the mountain was rested on the vast back of god Kashhap and the sagar manthan was enabled. God Vishnu, in the guise of Garudavtar, lifted the heavy Mandirgiri on its back and placed it on the desired place. Harnyakashap,the elder brother of cursed Harnyaksh, was blessed by one son Parhlad who had unshakable faith in omnipresence and omnipotence of god also he was a dedicated devotee of Shri Hari, which his atheist father never liked. He made many attempts to kill his son Parhlad, but was saved by Lord Vishnu every time and lastly god appeared in the shape of Narsingh (a combined shape of human and lion) from the piller and killed the tyrant and saved his dedicated devotee Parhlad.
Madhu and Kativ were created out of two droplets on the petal of lotus by the divine power of Lord Brahma who were extremely powerful and strong, once they stole away Vedas and hid them under deep sea. Deprived of priceless assets (Vedas) Lord Brahma prayed to Vishnu who appeared before him with face and long neck like that of a horse and rest of the body like human beings. This avtar of Vishnu, with halo around, was called Haygrib.
God Haygrib produced charming vocal sound and spread it throughout the deep ocean with the result these two wicked spirits came on the surface to have the glimpse of the singer. Haygrib availed this opportunity and recovered the Vedas from the hidden place and returned them to Brahma.God (Vishnu) took many avtars on earth in the shape of Nandi ( bull) avtar,Hans (Swan) avtar, Gajender (elephant) avtar and likewise infinite avtaras which an ordinary human cannot count.
Sampati and Jatayu giant eagles were two brothers who were closely related with Raghu vanshis. They were gifted with extreme power of flight by god. Sampati the elder among them helped Rama’s sena (army) in pin pointing the place in Lanka where Mata Sita was housed, whereas Jatau laid his life while freeing Mata Sita from the custody of Cruel Ravan. Jamwant (a bear) manas puter of Lord Brahma provided his fullest support and cooperation to lord Rama during war with Ravan. Lord Hanuman a ruder avtar and true devotee of Ram provided his Baner sena (monkey) during war with Ravan and stood by Ram through thick and thin. Garuda freed Rama along with his allies’from the Naagpash.
Among the bird species Kak Bhashundi and Shuk Dev avtars occupy very high place in Hindu mythology. Crocodile, Mooshak, Garud, Lion, Peacock, Bull, Swan, Airawat (white elephant) have served maan Ganga, Ganesh, Vishu, Maan Durga, Krtike, Lord Shiv, MaanSarswati, Lord Inder respectively by becoming their rides (Vahan).Horses pulled the chariots of lord Krishna and Rama while the heads of Child elephant and that of goat were transplanted in order to revive the life of Ganpati and Raja Daksh by Lord Shiva. Naag remains coiled around the neck of lord shiv whereas faithful dog accompanied Yudhishtrer, the eldest brother of Pandvas, till he reached his final abode.
It is quite clear from the old scriptures how human beings and the animals lived together without hatred and ill will with each other in the remote past but whenever man has made futile effort to push the animals out from their natural habitats, both human beings and animals have suffered equally. Every day we read and watch on TV about beating of leopards to death whenever they entered into the human territory and about the merciless killing of elephants for their tusks. Many animals like bears deers are killed and their skin is stuffed in order to make their trophies for their drawing rooms.
Killing of the animals mercilessly can disturb the ecological balance which can lead to some serious consequences. The slogans referred earlier seem genuine and justified at the first sight and if these slogans remain mere words on the placards nothing solid cannot be expected except the verbosity.

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