The Bold Voice of J&K

West Asia is boiling, needs to be cooled

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Omkar Dattatray

West Asia is boiling and the tempers on both sides are very high and it needs to be cooled down .The war between Israel and Hamas should end in the interest of world peace and tranquility as war and conflict is not in the interest of any country in the world .The united nations should assert itself and make concerted efforts to cool the high tempers on both the sides .But alas so far the UN has failed to prevent as well as to end the acrimony between Israel and Hamas .It has not been able to pass a resolution to seek the safe passage for humanitarian relief which pours from the world but has been struck due to continuous bombing and airstrikes as the resolution in this regard has been vetoed by America which openly sides with Israel in this war which can lead to third world war as the world is divided in two camps .America ,England ,EU ,India etc favors and even supports Israel while Iran ,Lebanon ,Syria ,Italy and the Muslim countries and the Saudi Arabia pledge their support to Hamas and Palestine .At this juncture when the world is sitting on a ticking bomb ,the Indian Philosophy of Vasudaiv Kutumbakam -meaning that whole world is one family and its philosophy of live and let live should be revisited and these universal doctrines followed to come to an all acceptable truce .So the need of the hour is to embrace these fine principles to ensure peace in West Asia and in fact in the whole world .The time tested message and doctrine of Non-violence and Ahimsa propounded by Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela are the sure and practical ways to cool down the tempers between Israel and Hamas and arrive at a mutually acceptable solution .Therefore in this conflict and greed torn world the philosophy of Gandhi is important for bringing peace between Israel and Hamas where thousands of the civilians including old ,infirm ,children and women have been killed in both sides and thus the war should now stop for the interest of humanity as it is shameful to continue war in the civilized and democratic world of today .Thus the very ticklish problem of Palestine and Hamas should be settled once for all as it is a very old problem ,issue and is a festering wound which needs to be cured with humanitarian touch and Indian philosophy can be applied and used to negotiate truce between the two warring countries .The super power and world cop America should keep away from meddling into Israel-Hamas war .Instead the super cop should influence both the Israel and Hamas and make them realize the importance of using the Indian philosophy to come at a truce with mutual understanding and give and take and both of the warring camps should see the utility of the Indian doctrine of live and let live and thus stop the war which has devoured thousands of the innocent lives .The need of the hour is that the warring groups should embrace Indian philosophy and shun the path of war which is not in the interest of the Israel and Palestine .Therefore both the Israel and Hamas should realize and acknowledge the futility of war and thus for the sake of humanity end the present conflict so that there are no killings of the innocent people .For this it is necessary that the parties to war should apply Indian philosophy and work out a solution of the issue acceptable to both the parties .It is such a shame that the west and the social media continue their propaganda and do not play a constructive and responsible role in ending the war rather directly and indirectly foment the trouble in West Asia .Most of the problems in West Asia are directly or indirectly ,the creation of power game by the West .US needs to rethink its strategy and politics and color it in the golden color of the philosophy of non-violence as preached by the apostle of peace and non-violence -Gandhi .Both the parties at war should act upon the principles taught by Gandhi and Nelson Mandela and thus abjure violence and announce much needed and demanded ceasefire so that civilian casualties and atrocities come to an end .Hence the current conflict between Israel and Hamas should come to an end and the innocent people are saved and peace prevails and illumines the whole West Asia .For a truce and negotiation the Indian Philosophy should be acted upon by both the parties and the US ,EU ,Britain ,Russia should keep away from supporting and supplying the arms so that the current war comes to an end .The killing of thousands of innocent civilians and its retaliation by Israel has compounded the situation and the fact that US is aiding and abetting Israel in its offensive against Hamas has made the situation worse and it can lead to a world war like situation as the Arab and Muslim world supports the Palestinian’s and its cause ,while US is siding with Israel in the war with Hamas .Both America and the Muslim world should see the reason and sanity should prevail upon them so that they realize the futility of war in the 21st century because it should be the century of peace ,tranquility ,mutual trust and good will and is not the century of war .The conflict and war is neither in the interest of Israel ,Hamas and Palestine ,nor in the interest of the world including the super powers .Therefore those who matter in the international arena and have say in the world politics should take necessary steps to make Israel ,Hamas and Palestine realize that war is no solution of the festering wound while peace is the foremost requirement for the present world. Thus the parties at war and those siding with the Israel and Hamas should not do anything which has the potential of escalating the conflict between the warring groups and instead use its good offices to prevail upon the Israel and Hamas so that the war comes to end for the sake of humanity .Here India has a great role to play in containing the current war between Israel and Hamas through making the warring groups realize the importance of the Indian philosophy to end the war and India under the leadership of Modi should prevail upon Israel ,Hamas and Palestine so that the present war comes to an end and the innocent civilians are saved and the Indian philosophy comes handy in this respect so that war is kept at bay at least for the good of the humanity.
(The author is a columnist,
social and KP activist).

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