The Bold Voice of J&K

Weekly Horoscopes – This Week’s Horoscopes for All Signs

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weekly predictions 11TH- 17TH DECEMBER  2016



Mar 21 – Apr 20

You may be able to inspire others to join you in a quest that involves a vacation, new opportunity, or course or workshop. In fact, doing it alone may not be as much fun as taking your friends or sweetheart along. Venus also moves into your social zone this week, so you’ll be in the mood to embrace the holiday spirit. Be prepared for lots of invitations to parties.



Sep 24 – Oct 22

This could be the week when you get down to planning for the holidays. What’s more, it seems you’ll enjoy doing it. This is certainly wise, as Mercury will turn retrograde on December 19, so preparing early is a must. Venus, your personal planet, enters a dynamic and positive sector of your chart, making this the perfect time for a makeover.


taurusApr 21 – May 20

Your intuition could be trying to tell you something, so it might be a good idea to sit quietly and listen. You could save yourself time or even money regarding a key project or business affair. You might also be assessing the impact of a new habit or exercise routine and how it affects you psychologically.


scorpionOct 23 – Nov 22

It might be helpful to note any intuitive hunches concerning your finances and how you might make better use of your money. Being a naturally generous person, you could go over the top with gifts unless you set yourself a limit. A key aspect this week encourages you to consider this. With Venus nestling down in your home sector, you’ll begin to relax.


geminiMay 21 – Jun 20

You may decide it’s time to have some serious fun, especially with Venus in your sector of new adventures encouraging you. Romance could be a possibility when you move outside your comfort zone, whether this means joining a club or mingling with a new bunch of people. Someone may have a serious proposition for you that engages your creative side.


saggitariusNov 23 – Dec 22

You could be excited by the prospect of a project that has positive long-term implications. A very upbeat blend of energies gears up at the start of the month and continues to the end. As it affects you personally, you can reap many benefits if you follow through. The emphasis is on constructive change and making slow but steady progress towards the goal.


cancerJun 22 – Jul 23

It looks like this will be a hectic time, one that could bring good news and perhaps an offer you can’t refuse. Although your workload could be large, make time to investigate an opportunity that comes out of the blue. It might be the answer to a career dream. Matters on the home front continue to be upbeat and positive, that you consider a few lifestyle changes.


capricornDec 23 – Jul 20

You may be involved in a project that could enhance your reputation. The Sun’s position in a more private part of your chart hints that this is a time to stand back. You may be having some serious thoughts about your direction and purpose in life and whether this is really what you want. The move of Venus into your money zone could make you purchasing a few luxuries.


leoJul 24 – Aug 23

The idea of creating positive change in your life could take hold right from the start of December. Key influences could remind you of this and see you looking to make a serious start. Venus, the planet of love and romance, dances into your relationship sector, so the coming weeks could see a surge of warmth and a greater spirit of cooperation.


aquariusJan 21 – Feb 23

If you make a new friend this week, you may stay buddies for a long time into the future. This is because the New Moon can set the right emotional tone that proves supportive to both of you. However, Mercury’s move into Capricorn can be a call to listen to your feelings, as they may be trying to tell you something.


virgoJul 24 – Aug 23

Plans to invest in your home, either by redecorating or purchasing some bright and colorful holiday baubles, could put you in a good mood. There could be a serious intention behind such a plan, that of providing a place of warmth and happiness for others to enjoy. Venus moves into your lifestyle sector, so you could find it a lot easier to indulge than you might normally.


piscesFeb 20 – Mar 20

Things seem to be coming together for you to gain a reputation or enhance your standing if you’re willing to go through the proper channels. With a focus on accomplishment and achievement, your time in the spotlight may be coming soon, if it isn’t here already. The move of Venus could see you reviewing your relationship with yourself.
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