The Bold Voice of J&K

Wake up

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Air Marshal P. P Reddy, Chief of Integrated Defence Staff, recently said India needs to be prepared for war on both fronts, China and Pakistan. But how equipped are our soldiers in high-altitude regions? With one of the worst winters in the pipeline, the army is facing shortage of  many items lakhs of which still need to be procured. The 1962 conflict with China and the more recent Kargil War (1999) taught India never to vacate posts, even in high-altitude regions, forcing our soldiers to brave the winter chill. The third report of the Standing Committee on Defence 2014-15, submitted on 22nd December, 2014 points at glaring short comings. The much awaited modernisation of armed forces has been delayed further with cost escalation making it more difficult. The policy paralysis during the previous UPA Government is more responsible for such a situation. Today when borders are tense the security forces are finding shortage of essential high altitude equipment an impediment. The latest report on Standing Committee on Defence has shown that army is facing shortage of high ankle boots and balaclavas for the soldiers for the icy frontiers. Not only this even the basic items like canvas shoes, blankets, quilts and mosquito nets are in short supply. We are yet to learn lessons from all these political blunders. Today forces are facing manpower, material, critical ammunition and equipment shortages. It is only because of the myopic outlook of our policy makers with a moribund mindset. These Babus should realise it is their inept handling which is putting nation at peril. Such a sloth and inefficient system has also slowed down the modenisation drive with cost going up ward. Now is the time government should look into this important issue with a new perspective so that men on borders feel safe to defend the country and countrymen. Politicians should shun their parochial approach and look for better responsive political system and not just sloganeering.

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