The Bold Voice of J&K


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The Constitution of India was written on 26 January 1950, in which it was also written that from now on India is a democratic country. We all know that in a democratic country every citizen has the right to vote. But there are some citizens who do not consider their vote valuable and do not vote at the time of voting.
It is very important for such people to know how valuable even one vote can be. All citizens in India can tell the value of one vote if they wish. For example, France is a country where voting is done completely and every citizen considers it his responsibility to vote. That is why it is the biggest example of a democratic country.
The biggest example of not voting in our India was seen when Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s government was formed. Then we had to go back to vote only after 13 days. Because at that time the general public did not vote properly, due to which the government also had to face problems.
If seen, voting has so much power that it can even determine one’s mother tongue. Mother tongue is chosen on the basis of votes. The biggest example of this is America, that is why voting is not only for the government but is also very important for the common citizen.
Voting is held once in 5 years in our country. Many people consider it useless and due to this the government has to run voting awareness campaigns every time. Rallies are taken out at many places and voting is promoted.

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