The Bold Voice of J&K

It is the voice of the people

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Dr Nirmal Kamal

A total of 16 Constituencies in three districts of Pulwama, Baramulla and Budgam will go for polls on 9th of December as scheduled for Phase 3, to elect  legislators for J and K Assembly. By the auspicious day about 60 per cent voters would have caste their votes out of the total 6,933,118 including men and women. All the three districts remained dominant by sending representatives either from National Conference or Congress. Of late since formation of PDP, the predominant choice shifted to choose candidates from either National Conference or PDP, the latter banking on separatists (say Hurriyat Conference) and a peanut’s share grabbed by the Congress.  Bhartiya Janata Party could not open an account despite the fact that Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee commands respect and so has following in the region. BJP has entered the Kashmir region with Mission 44+ this time. BJP has sound logic for taking such bold decision for some and hypothetical for others.
The people of this trouble torn State have always remained subjects of political experiments. All mainstream parties are well tested to be declared as spent forces. Peoples’ woes accumulated. Selective development concentrated around the families of the elected  and nominated legislators and those who wooed the seats of power. Every six years after the hapless voter reviews the achievements only to regret the blunders committed in electing the representatives. Dynastic rule, corruption, non-development, terrorism, health, matters related to ‘Bijli, Paani and Sarrak’ remained major decisive issues for the public and Autonomy, Self Rule, AFSPA ,remained seasonal vocal cords for election times for the Kashmir based political outfits. These Kashmir based political parties never accused or condemned Pakistan for disturbing peace in the State and militancy related activities. Last Friday 11 security personals including 8 army men were martyred by the Paki terrorists but PDP leader Mehbooba Mufti accused media for the brutal incidence.  It was most ridiculous statement made by Mehbooba  Mufti, an expert in reaching first to condole victims’ families i.e civilians who died (as confessed by her),indicating her support for terrorism. Unfortunately people of Kashmir are easily carried away by such leaders who only care for political power not for the lives of the innocent people. This is a strong reason for people to choose never ever tried BJP in Kashmir. People should go for change of power.
People of Kashmir have understood the fallacy of disinformation spread by the erstwhile rulers in the State. They understand the core issues. During a meeting with civilians, a group of students stressed the need of economic development  of the State,  creation  of employment opportunities, encouraging private and public enterprises and Public Private Partnership in the sectors instrumental for growth not the symbolic development like golf courses, parks for the recreation of the high and rich classes. Police reforms and change in the mind set of the authorities to tackle harassment to youth as well mis-governance were among their demands not the militancy related activities. Some of them desired BJP to be voice of the youth. A Sikh forum  complained faulty recruitment policy, as out of  recruitment of 12,000 only three Sikhs were recruited in 2010-11.A very small community of Sikhs, settled in Baramulla and Budgam have been demanding minority status and other rights as refugees of 1947.  Ahmedias (having population of about 20,000) want to be treated at par with other countrymen in India. They opined that the occasional demand for withdrawal of AFSPA is raised by the separatists and any such move will be dangerous and create Pakistan like situation in India.
Similarly Muslim Rashtriya Manch resented against misappropriation of funds meant for development. Common people also complained of disconnect of government with the people. An interesting group known as Vatan Prast Front showed concern towards suffering economy of the State.  According to another group of women, people of Kashmir are Indians , it is only general conception created by some self centered groups that they are referred as supporters of Pakistan. People only want effective basic essential services. They are fed up of killings due to militancy, torching of the houses and harassment caused to the women. Confessed by another group of intellectuals, separatists and the mainstream parties in the State are selling  dreams to the public just to catch their votes, Delhi (read UPA) empowered only few individuals and not the common people, vested interests of only few people were projected as national interest and erosion of democratic institutions in the State. Kashmir continues to have old drainage system, obsolete electric poles, bridges and roads etc. Government’s pathetic attitude towards innocent victims and false encounters defying democracy has lost faith in the mainstream parties in the State, They have inflicted pain and miseries to the people. They now look towards BJP as a light in darkness. A Shia representative narrated that no development has taken place in 424 villages inhabited by Shia Muslims nor any of the central schemes implemented in any of these villages. Prominent citizens in individual capacity  were vocal enough to express appreciation for steps taken  earlier by the  NDA Government like providing Rs 120 crore for the up gradation of the hospitals. AM college was upgraded to the level of AIMS during NDA Government in the Center earlier enabling medical services to the cancer patients. An ex legislator from Budgam was very objective by stating that the gap created due to disinformation between the BJP and Muslims of Kashmir need to be abrogated by educating the people about the benefits of abrogation of the  Article 370. Win their  hearts by awareness in right perspectives. The myth of BJP as communal and anti- Muslims has to be done away. A group of media too wanted strengthening of media in Kashmir, tackling massive corruption in bureaucracy, misuse of central funds and blamed successive Congress Governments responsible for the present crisis of the State. They desired BJP to speed up the process of national integration and adopt long term vision for the State. Holding of Constitutional Tribunal to probe into the cases of unmarked graves in the Kashmir Valley  and special policy for those who suffered by virtue of the conflict between  army and terrorists are also issues demanding attention.
The issues raised by the people of districts Baramulla, Budgam and Pulwama speak hollowness of the development claims made by the erstwhile ruling political parties in the State. They stand exposed  before the public who is looking towards Modi led BJP with hope. Public need to cleanse the State Assembly by rooting out all those engaged in down grading the State.

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