The Bold Voice of J&K

Veganism- an emerging trend


Gourav Sabharwal

The world is moving fast towards veganism. World Vegan Day is an annual event celebrated by vegans around the world on November 1. The benefits of veganism for humans and the natural environment are celebrated through activities such as setting up stalls, hosting potlucks, and planting memorial trees. The event was established in 1994 by Louise Wallis, then Chair of The vegan society in the United Kingdom, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the organisation and the coining of the terms ‘vegan’ and ‘veganism’. On World Vegan Day, people celebrate by sharing their vegan tips and their everyday life, and of course, their accomplishments. The World Vegan Day is also about raising awareness of the treatment of animals, the ethical issue of mass livestock, the environmental effects of having livestock, and so on.
There are many reasons why one individual would choose to be vegan and World Vegan Day is the perfect day to share and spread the word about veganism. World Vegan Day is also about encouraging and inspiring others to take action for the animals and the environment. Veganism is likely to be the new lifestyle for many people in the future. However, it is also important to know and understand that not all people are suitable for being vegan due to their diet and health reasons. The World Vegan Day instead helps us understand the reason behind people who are vegan and helps connect them to the world, opening up the possibility for more people to broaden their perspective. Not only contributing by being vegan but also thinking about the environment in their daily lives or simply, eating less meat than before!
A vegan diet can be one of the healthiest ways to live. Plant-based diets should contain plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds. Because vegan diets often rely heavily on these healthy staples, they tend to be higher in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fibre. Healthy vegan diets are abundant with vitamins B1, C, and E, folic acid, magnesium, and iron while also being low in cholesterol and saturated fats.
A plant-based vegan diet can reduce the risk of mortality from conditions such as:
4 Type 2 diabetes
4 Cardiovascular disease
4 Ischemic heart disease
4 Hypertension
4 Stroke
4 Obesity
Many people identify themselves as animal lovers, yet intentionally or not, this rarely extends to the animals we use for food. There are a lot of misconceptions about how animal products are obtained and we often turn a blind eye towards inhumane animal agricultural practices. Animal welfare is an issue we like to push out of our minds, even when it’s presented to us in an objective manner. Factory farming exhibits some of the most severe examples of animal cruelty for food production. Unfortunately, factory farming offers the most competitive prices and makes the most profit, so it’s difficult and in some cases impossible for smaller establishments to survive without adopting the same principles. The competition from large corporations has made it extremely difficult for anyone to offer more humane alternatives as it is simply not as profitable. Factory farming is an absolutely horrifying business, the focus is on production and profit, the well-being of the animals and workers involved is nearly non-existent. It all comes down to money. Here is a brief overview of only some of the routine practices of the animal agriculture industry. These are watered down versions of what happens on a daily basis to millions of animals every day. If this disturbs you, I highly recommend looking deeper into these issues as there is much more to learn. At the end of this post we’ve provided some documentaries, books, and online resources for learning more.
The lives of animals raised for slaughter are miserable to say the least. The animals are kept in overcrowded areas with little or no room to move, the environment is filthy, and the air is thick with the smell of ammonia and bodily waste. The animals suffer injuries which are often left untreated, from broken bones to burns and lesions from constant contact with their own waste. With the focus on profit, time is money, which means that slaughterhouses process as many animals as possible in any given day. It’s common for the production lines to be moving so fast that the methods used to kill the animals are rarely effective and cause a great deal of suffering and pain. Because of the quick processing time many of the animals are still alive, terrified, and in unimaginable amounts of pain during skinning, scalding, and dismemberment.
These are routine practices – millions of animals endure this cruelty and torture every single day and it’s not only the animals that suffer. Slaughterhouse workers are at an enormous risk as well. Cattle often weigh over a ton and are prone to thrashing and kicking, putting the workers in great danger of serious injuries. Many workers suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and admit to taking out their frustrations on the animals. Workers can also become violent at home, and abuse drugs or alcohol in an attempt to assuage their own guilt and anxiety over what they have witnessed or participated in.
High blood pressure can increase the risk for health issues, including heart disease, stroke and type-2 diabetes. Fortunately, the foods you eat can make a difference. Several studies have shown that sticking with a plant-based diet can reduce blood pressure, thereby reducing your risk for those conditions. A meta-analysis explored data from 39 studies and concluded that people who followed a vegetarian diet had lower blood pressure on average than those who followed omnivorous diets, meaning those including plants and meat. And another study found that vegetarians had a 34 percent lower risk of developing hypertension than non-vegetarians. Meat contains saturated fats , which can contribute to heart issues when eaten in excess. So by cutting back on meat and loading up on plant-based foods, you’re doing your ticker a favor. A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that eating plant-based diet may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 16 percent and of dying of this health condition by about 31 percent.

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