The Bold Voice of J&K

Truth from Mufti important to tackle political dimension

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JAMMU: Most unfortunate and intriguing part of the two and half decade terrorism in Kashmir, unleashed by rogue neighbour Pakistan with active support of its lackeys in the secessionist camp and subtle approval of semi-secessionist mainstream leaders, has been double speak and deception.
The death of two persons in successive attacks in the wake of an orchestrated campaign launched by a terrorist outfit against mobile telephony service providers in north Kashmir township of Sopore has unfolded a new worrisome and most demonist face of terror. The motivation has been emphatic and the objective very clear-to create fear psychosis among people who had gradually come out of the dark Jihadist tunnel. Coming as it is in the midst of confusing signals emanating from the new coalition dispensation of Kashmir-centric PDP and the self-proclaimed nationalist outfit BJP, the recent incidents seem to be a broader game plan of the desperate neighbour to give a new lease of life to terrorism. By all accounts, the terror regime has a reason to feel comfortable with the new regime in place in the militancy-infested State.
Successive events of the past week show how cunningly the separatists were weaving a cobweb to malign India and to involve its agencies in the new form of terror grid. No sooner a television tower became target of terrorists, signals started emanating from secessionists about the hidden ‘Indian agenda’. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar’s statement about ‘terrorists to be tackled through terrorists’ provided a ready handle to separatists to hammer against India. Hardcore hawk Syed Ali Shah Geelani weaved the cobweb carefully and artistically. Sensing the public outcry over denial of the vital telephony services and resentment against the service providers, Geelani condemned the acts, defined these terrorism and left a window open for involving India at any stage by creating confusion. He termed the attacks against the tenants of Islam. So far so good. But when he sought a clarification from ‘United Jehad Council’ supremo Syed Sallah-ud-Din, the intentions became pronounced. He perceives or tends to perceive the public memory so short as to forget that Sallah-ud-Din had called him (Geelani) as his supreme leader. In that capacity, he does hold a clout not only within Hizbul Mujahideen, the militant wing of Jamat-e-Islami but an amalgam of all the terror outfits. Why should he, in the first instance, seek a clarification from the Pakistan occupied Kashmir based outfit by making it a huge public show? Why should UJC feel obliged to responds to his query or make an explanation unless he enjoys ‘respectability’ within the terror outfits? The UJC did not only respond very promptly but also clarified the issue. Geelani’s Hurriyat Conference was elated to inform the people about genesis of Lashkar-e-Islam outfit by claiming,  “This has now proven that the terror organization is the brain child of the Indian secret agencies on the pattern of “Al-Faran” group and its only purpose is to harm and defame the freedom struggle and economics of Kashmir and to disturb the social setup of the State”. The Hurriyat also claims to be in possession of ‘important evidence’ about the involvement of Indian agencies.
The claim of Hurriyat Conference is a serious issue, which invites immediate cognizance of the Indian intelligence agencies and the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. Top cop of Jammu and Kashmir Police has already confirmed the involvement of a terror outfit. Therefore, the State and the Central security apparatus are duty bound to grill the secessionist hawk, find out the truth and expose the most mischievous separatist organisation. The two governments have a cause of action to proceed directly against Geelani. More onus lies on the State Government. Only time will tell how serious is the Mufti led PDP-BJP government in calling the bluff of Pakis and her lackeys.
Being head of the Unified Headquarters, comprising Army, intelligence agencies and the State security apparatus, and also Chief Executive of the Jammu and Kashmir Government, Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed is supposed to be seized of the facts with regard to terror attacks against mobile telephony service providers. He should reveal the truth. This is important to tackle the political dimension of the issue. He can’t get away with terming the terrorists as ‘miscreants’ thereby giving a sort of legitimacy to Hurriyat hawks claims; he should be very candid in calling a spade a spade. If the ‘miscreants’ are the members of Indian security agencies, as is being made out by Geelani and Company, he should tell it to the people. And, if they are terrorists, he should not only condemn them but also make it sure that such elements and their perpetrators or sympathisers are wiped out with iron fists.

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