The Bold Voice of J&K

Transforming India-Challenges still there

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With fast information sharing, the whole universe including India is passing through a stage of fast progress.
In 1970 era, to search for information libraries were only sourer. To get local names and addresses, telephone directories were the source of information. Radio was main source of news.
Even having cycle was a prestigious issue. Token was required for having cycle Radio and transistors. That means, these sources were taxed. People used to eat Desi Ghee but when Dalda was introduced, it was purchased in such a way that people around did not know that instead of Desi Ghee, Dalda is being purchased. For Dalda ghee, special bags were taken to hide the same.
From radio, came transistor era, a person with transistor having along was considered an important person. He used to take pride in doing so. Chetak Scooter of Bajaj could only be booked on submitting foreign exchange and still there was waiting period of years. When even, a scooter was brought by a family, whole neighbor – hood came to congratulate the family who had brought the scooter. The waiting period was so much that for urgent requirement scooter had to be purchased in black. The black value was double the original value of scooter. Bajaj company used to say that they were not earning as much as a blackia was earning by selling Bajaj Scooters.
Black and white TV era started with Doordarshan being introduced. A family having TV was considered a matter of prestige. Every Saturday evening when picture in Doordarshan was to be telecast, the neighbors used to came in the house having TV and people were jointly watching the movie with tea and snacks being served to the viewers. 3-4 songs in TV program in morning were sufficient to entertain people on Sundays.
Then came time of serials in TV. Ham Log was first such serial here people started identifying themselves with characters depicted in TV. Then came Buniyad serial which was also quite popular. The ultimate popularity of TV serials was at peak when serial Ramayana was telecast. The markets had deserted look at time of telecast of Ramayana.
On Sundays, train from Kirandool to Vishakhapatnam used to start at 11 AM in place of 10 AM as driver had also desire to watch Ramayana. Since there was only one passenger train in interior of India, Baster area, people did not mind train going 1 hour late on Sundays as they too in Kirandool, had to watch Ramayana.
The social life in those days was as its peak. People used to meet each other frequently and lot of exchange of thoughts was there. Present generation of children can not, even imagine, that type of beautiful life. They ask parents how they could spent life without TV?
For making a call, one had to sit for hours at post offices and when call did not materialise lightening cell (at double the rate) had to be made. So difficult was the communications.
Then came era of colored TV earlier colored TV’s were imported only but gradually the manufacture manufacturing started in India and having color TV at home became sign of prestige.
When people from foreign countries came to India and it was told by them that there are many channels in their country and round the clock TV viewing was there, it was difficult to believe.
Gradually more TV channels come into existence and gradually life changed. When guests come at time of fevourate serial of hosts, they were not welcome from heart.
Next came era of mobile telephones. An advertisement “One cup of coffee ” where a beautiful lady taking on phone attracted waiter hear by as if she was talking to him. The mobile talks were so costly that people rarely disclosed their mobile numbers to lesser known people.
At this time when it was told that in Shrilanka even, a house hold maid was having mobile phone, it was difficult to believe. (But same is happening today).
Reliance came into mobile phone with dhamaka as it reduced rates to so low level that long queues were there to pay Rs 500 and get the mobile handset.
Thus, gradual transformation of India continued at steady but slow phase. Pandit Nehru’s vision made country to have highest education standards with emphasis on Science. There after, Rajiv Gandhi brought computers in our country. Before his start, any part of computer, manufactured in India, attracted excise. People could not dare to manufacture computer accessories at their factories without taking excise registration. We, in India, were far behind developed countries. The progress at jet speed in offices came with internet being introduced for use in the computers. Rajiv Gandhi being piolet, was fully aware, of world vide progress in this field.
The internet brought all information at finger tips. However, the industries all this time could not be freed from License Raj. It was Narsimha Rao, then Prime Minister who roped in Manmohan Singh from Reserve Bank made him finance minister and the start of economy opening up was made. He gradually brought the opening up by naming new projects as dream of Rajiv Gandhi and no one objected. Earlier for various items (which were otherwise imported) license had to be taken. Also there was inspector Raj where at number of points there were checks and industries could not flourish. There was gradual improvement in this period of 5 years of Narsimha Rao Govt. Then, there was slow progress, as PM Manmohan Singh could not independently take decision when he was PM.
(To be continued)

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