The Bold Voice of J&K

Think with cool minds! Who is communal?

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Prof Kali Dass

Result of the 12th JK State Assembly were quite satisfactory and with entire satisfaction to the State OBCs. These results in which Congress and NC got un-precedential defeat with only 12 and 15 seats respectively are on the basis of their performance as coalition partners. Both these ruling parties acted like tyrants and remained totally away from the public problems which were not the problems but were created problems. What answer these political parties have for problem of VRS persons who claim that the amount meant for them was kept separate and even bills  were ready but never disbursed their dues to them; government employees and pensioners could not get their D.A installment at the rate of 10 per cent and at the rate of 70 per cent; 60 thousands daily wagers could not get any solace  because of infighting of ministers, pay anomalies was not a major  problem and demand of enhancement of Medical Allowance (MA) from is Rs. 300  to Rs. 1,000 against Rs 5,000 MA of MLAs/ministers, when there is a huge shortage of doctors; why could not trained un-employed dental surgeons by absorbed? All the West Pak refugees to whom government allotted residential plots to live and land for farming purposes in 1947, then now how they cannot be considered as the JK citizens. All these are the self created problems of the NC and Congress which ruled and ruined the State.
When Apex Court’s judgment of 1992 provides 27 per cent reservation to OBCs and OBCs are getting benefits throughout the country and in all the states; then under what criteria the OBCs of J and K State were deprived. Everybody knows that it was a treacherous move of the State rulers to deprive the State OBCs from their due constitutional and legal rights. OBCs form a good chunk which is about 60 per cent of the State population. Rulers did not make the best use of Art. 370 but used it against their own State Subjects for their dynasty status. On the other side almost all ministers remained busy in amassing wealth and grabbing government land. A minister at the most can earn only Rs. 1 crore in six years of governance tenure in which he/she  has to keep himself/herself without food. How a minister or an MLA can earn hundreds of crores of property is beyond the thinking of a citizen. On the basis of NC and Congress performance, people voted against them for their such a rout.
Now statements of Prof. Soz, Ghulam Nabi Azad and Madam Sonia advising PDP whether it wants to go with communal force like BJP or with Congress a secular party ( as Congress offered support to PDP). On which ground these Congress leaders differentiate secularism and communalism. Let us define the communalism in words of these Congress leaders. The latest re-organisation of Congress State Committee which consists of 158 members does not have even a single OBC member. Is not it a communal thought? Defeating all Hindu Congress leaders in the Assembly elections is worry some in the words of Prof. Soz is nothing but again a communal statement. When political parties are contesting elections how can one spare MLAs seats for the other? Prof. Soz and Omar Abdullah must think whether they did justice with State OBCs (more in Kashmir and less in Jammu) and befooled them by setting up OBC Advisory and Development Board. There is a commission in the name of Backward Classes Commission, Advisory Board in the name of OBCs but certificate is in the name of OSC, which is a glaring example of communalism of a particular nature. All such problems are the created problems by the NC and Congress respective governments in the State after 1947 till date.
About 23 years have gone and due share of the State OBCs have been arbitrary vertically distributed into RBA and ALC and not only this Omar Abdullah tried to befool the public by making airy announcement of 5 per cent reservation for Paharis (vote bank politics) and 2 per cent for OBCs ( called OSCs) on 15th August  2014 and could not issue any government ordinance or SRO.
If there are some communal forces in the State these are the NC and Congress and none other could be so much communal than NC and Congress as they ruled only for 10 per cent to 15 per cent of the State population.
Advocating by G.N Azad for Congress and NC’s support to PDP is a support for “Naya Kashmir; a freebie  in the manifesto after every six years”. They fought elections for the whole State and in manifesto, the freebie is for Kashmir only. The inner intention of development plank of NC and  Congress leaders have now surfaced in the form of unanimous support to PDP.  To keep a pol. party away in the name of communalism is nothing but a communal play with general public where only leaders rule and public suffer. Had it been the case then NC, Congress and PDP should have contested elections together. When public rejected NC and Congress, they talk of communalism which remained the major base for the deprivation of social justice.
State OBCs tried its level best to meet Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi for which a number of letters were e-mailed. Even telephonic  conversations with their PAs failed to give time which reflects nothing but their autocracy only to rule the people by keeping themselves away from the people there by rejecting the rule of democracy “government by the people; of the people and for the people”. Congress and NC ruled the State under the new philosophy  “government buy the people, off the people and far the people”. They only want the votes and not the voters was the attitude to maintain their “high dynasty”.  Besides the statement of Congress that it is satisfied of J and K Assembly polls only reveals that Congress was not expecting even five seats in view of its performance and getting 12 seats is a miracle for them which exposed its treacherous policies for cheating the State people.
Under such circumstances, State people in general and State OBCs in particular cannot tolerate such political parties which raise only Psedu-Secular slogans but if they introspect into themselves would realise that they are the most communal and anti-people parties and perhaps State people, particularly the State OBCs would not allow them to lift their heads in the time to come in future.

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