The Bold Voice of J&K

Teenage drivers

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The rising teenage deaths on Jammu roads is a matter of concern especially with so many awareness drives being conducted from time-to-time. Regrettably the situation on the roads is scary even for other users. Throwing all the safety norms to the wind youngsters in Jammu feel proud in exhilarating their driving skills at neck breaking speeds even in the high density areas and narrow city roads at peak hours of the day. Worst are the school going kids on two-wheelers who snare other road users for not allowing them space to exhibit  their stupid driving skills. Traffic Police is as usual a silent watcher to all these violations by under-age drivers. In this direction a unique initiative taken by Delhi Police should work as an eye-opener for Jammu and Kashmir counterparts. The Delhi Traffic Police has decided to make schools responsible for allowing underage-drivers alongwith prosecuting parents for traffic violations and accidents. The decision comes after a 14-year-old boy died when he rammed his scooter into a divider. The boy was not wearing a helmet while going to school. The objective of such a move could be to make school authorities familarise with real situation and put onus on them along with parents  since child spends considerable time of the day at the school where  apart from other things they should  be imparted lessons on safe driving. It is the parents over indulgence and pampering which is the most responsible factor for such brash and harsh behaviour of the children. Such  an initiative could bring  some positive results in Jammu and Kashmir but who cares. People here are prone to disrespect traffic rules and violations they consider as their birth right. The worst cases of violations are seen at traffic light points where jumping of lights and foul mouthing is an everyday affair. Even the women drivers are no less in the list of violators. It looks breaking laws is in genes in the people same as in the traffic cops too who remain mute spectators every time. Can the traffic cop become active to make the city roads safe for the people?

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