The Bold Voice of J&K

Tawi Trekkers holds camp for sport climbers

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 Sports Reporter
JAMMU: Encouraged by the excellent performance of state climbers in the North Zone as well as National Sport Climbing Championship at Bangalore, Tawi Trekkers J and K renewed its commitment of promoting the game of Sport Climbing in the state by sponsoring an 11-day long coaching camp at Sprawling Buds School, Bantalab, here.
“Since the camp is also a part of club’s efforts to tap hidden talent among the budding climbers, only fresh climbers up to the age of 12 years have been selected for the camp. However, a few women climbers have also been included in the camp to strengthen the state women team,” informed General Secretary of Tawi Trekkers, Shawetia Khajuria soon after inaugurating the camp.
About 20 children including eight girls are participating in this camp which was declared open in the presence of General Secretary, J and K Mountaineering Association, Ram Khajuria; Vice President (Jammu), Yogeshwar Kumar and Vice President (Kashmir), Khurshid Ahmad Laigroo as also Syed Abdul Mohsin Andravi of Sunridges Trekking and Mountaineering Club, Pulwama.
While lauding the grand achievement of the state team which won the prestigious North Zone Sport Climbing Trophy and also bagged eight medals in the National Championship held at Bangalore, Shawetica assured the trainees that Tawi Trekkers would provide all possible training facilities to the state climbers to enable them to perform to their full potential in this year’s competitions and bring laurels to the state. General Secretary of Mountaineering Association while expressing his gratitude to the management of Tawi Trekkers, especially its Secretary Shawetica Khajuria, for the timely sponsorship assured them that with their continued liberal support Mountaineering Association of J and K would definitely achieve the aim of winning national championship this year.
The camp is being conducted under the supervision of Shashi Kant Sharma, the trainer of the state team, in cooperation with Ambreen Fatima, a senior climber and a trained Belayer.

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