The Bold Voice of J&K

Target killings-a big challenge for security forces


Omkar Dattatray

The target killings and attacks on soft targets in Kashmir are going on continuously, which is a serious matter for Government, security forces and the common man and this issue should be addressed immediately to put an end to the target killings so that Hindu minorities, package employees, Kashmiri Pandits, non-local labourers and officers are not attacked and killed by the terrorists. These target killings are occurring under a well-knit plan mostly by the hybrid terrorists who are trained by the terrorist outfits through on line training and so such terrorists resort to target killings so easily and after committing the crime mingle with the crowds and so remain unidentified and untraced. It becomes very difficult to trace and identify the hybrid terrorists as in majority of the cases they are successful in remaining unidentified and thus they continue to indulge in the barbaric and nefarious crimes of target and selective killings to show their presence. Thus it becomes very difficult to track and arrest these hybrid terrorists and they thus remain untraced in most of the cases initially but the security forces have to work hard to identify these terrorists and give them the punishment which they deserve. But the target killings as well as the selective killings is a big challenge for the government and the security forces and they have to undergo much painstaking exercise and much hard work to trace and identify the terrorists who commit the dastardly crimes of target and soft killings to remain in the limelight and show their presence. There is no doubt that the terrorism is on the last leg and was declining and some semblance of normalcy was there in the terrorist infested Kashmir and this led to uneasiness to the master mind of the terrorist violence and thus they prepared new modus operandi of target killings and selective killings to give an impression that nothing is well in Kashmir and so target killings are taking place in Kashmir without any respite. The target killings of the soft targets is taking place continuously and Kashmiri Pandits, package employees, other Hindu minorities and non-local officers and even labourers are being made targets by the terrorists and so target killings are occurring and putting a great pressure on the security apparatus and agencies and fighting and combating the terrorists who resort to the target killings is a big challenge to the government and the security forces and the security forces should tighten their belts and combat the terrorists who are indulging in the target killings to create fear , panic and uncertainty in the people especially in Hindu minorities. Therefore the security forces should ready themselves and give a strong fight to the forces of doom who are indulging in killings of the soft targets to create fear psychosis in the minorities as many cases of the target killings of the people belonging to minorities has taken place in Kashmir and has socked the land of Kashmir with precious human blood. In fact the target killings as well as the killing of the soft targets has become a big challenge for the government and the security forces and the security forces should met this challenge with grit and fortitude and come successful in the end. The security think tank should devise new methods and modus operandi to tackle the big challenge posed by the target and soft killings by the terrorists. The security forces should attack the hybrid terrorists with cleverness and give a befitting response to the perpetrators of the target killings by tracing and identifying them in most professional manner. Inspite of fighting the hybrid terrorists who resort the target killings at the instance of the terrorists outfits, the target killings remains a big challenge to the security forces and the government all alike. The target killings and the selective killings by the terrorists remains a big challenge and the government and the security forces should meet it and give a befitting response to these shameful killings. The master mind of the hybrid terrorists who directly indulge in the target killings should be identified and traced and should be neutralised for the sake of restoring peace and normalcy. Therefore the terrorists indulging in target killings should be identified and arrested and after a speedy judicial trail should be awarded stringent punishment so that others will not dare to resort to target killings in future. Thus the security forces should work in tandem and coordination and target the terrorists who resort to soft killings and neutralise them for the sake of bringing peace and normalcy in Kashmir. The people especially the minorities are fear stricken and they are in panic and frustration and want to leave Kashmir and take refuge in Jammu and elsewhere outside the valley. The common citizens, Pandits and other Hindu minorities, package employees, non local officers and the employees and other non-local labourers are unfortunately targeted and killed and all these vulnerable sections of the society demand fool proof security to their life, limb and dignity and the government assures adequate security to these groups of people. But all the assurances of providing the fool proof security fell flat when the terrorists are busy in targeted killings of the soft targets to inflict damage beyond repair to the so called Kashmiriyat and Hindu-Muslim unity. Since the target killings are taking place at regular intervals and the land of Kashmir is socked with the precious human blood and so the security forces should take required and necessary steps to identify and eliminate the terrorists who indulge in the wonton killings of the soft and selective targets. The proactive approach and operation all out and new strategies should be applied to tackle the issue of the targeted killings so that there is no fear, panic and grief in the people including the minorities. For this the targeted killings should be tackled in a scientific manner and professionalism should be shown in fighting the menace of target killings to finish. The fight against the perpetrators of target killings and the forces of doom should continue with redoubled efforts and the enemies of the humanity should be crushed with an iron fist and no leniency and laxity should be shown towards the terrorists who indulge in target killings and bring fear, panic and an atmosphere of insecurity among the people particularly in minorities. The atmosphere of insecurity , fear, panic and in fact fear psychosis grips the society and the measures should be taken to restore peace, tranquility and normalcy in Kashmir so that all people including the minorities live and work in peace without any fear and a sense of insecurity. Thus without wasting time and energy the security forces should fight the terrorists and bring those hybrid terrorists to book who indulge in the heinous crimes of target killings. For striking at the very roots of the target killings the OGW of the terrorism and the hybrid terrorists should be attacked to restore a semblance of normalcy in Kashmir. Thus the security forces should give a befitting response to the forces indulging in target killings that lead to the atmosphere of fear, panic and uncertainty particularly among the minorioties. Therefore what is needed is that the terrorists who are responsible for the target and selective and soft killings should be neutralized to bring peace and normalcy in disturbed Kashmir. The half hearted and adhoc measures are not needed to fight the terrorists who indulge in targeted killings but instead there is need to break the back of the terrorists which is possible only when the terrorism is crushed with an iron hand and therefore the terrorism and terrorists should be fought to finish so that an environment of peace, security and tranquility prevails and for this it is necessary to fight the terrorism to finish so that those hybrid terrorists who resort to target killings are arrested and neutralised as per the demand of the situation. To conclude, it is crystal clear that the target and soft killings is a big challenge for the government and security forces and they should met it with grit , fortitude and determination so that the forces of doom who indulge in killings of the soft targets are neutralised for the interest of peace, security and above all normalcy.

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