The Bold Voice of J&K

How to take care of your painting collection

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Romantical-love-painting-photo-love-3195612-1103-809So you have bought that precious oil painting you’ve been eyeing for a while and now and you’re wondering how to take care of your collection that includes acrylics and water colours.. Well, fret not for if you follow the tips given below your favourite objets d’art will be fine.
– Do not hold a painting by the top edge of its frame. Hold them from under neath so that the weight of the frame does not leave cracks.
– Avoid using a brush to clean the surface of the painting as it can damage the surface. Choose a small square piece of velvet instead. The smooth sur face wipes off dust and lint easily and gently.
– Do not hang your paintings on the outer walls as the moisture can damage the pigments.
– If you’re planning to store paintings do not keep these on the top floors as the heat can damage the paint and canvas.
– Twice every year remove the paintings from the wall and check for cracks shrinkage etc.
– Covering your paintings with plastic sheets while storing them is a bad idea. Instead cover them with thin cotton sheets as it allows your paint ings to breathe.
– If you see paint chipping off the surface of canvas or wave-like bumps appearing then it is time for you to give your paintings a professional treatment. Do not aim to paint it yourself. Use strong picture hooks and insert them properly into the wall. Hang your painting on it with the help of the wire.
– Use at least two picture hooks that are appropriate for the wall and are strong enough.Before you hang the oil painting on the wall coat the surface of the picture with a layer of varnish to preserve it. But this should be done only after the painting has thoroughly dried or you can take help of some knowledgeable conservator.
– Keep checking for fungus infestation of paintings in monsoon. If you notice any don’t try to clean it yourself. Instead call an expert to examine it.
– When you’re framing the painting do not use your hands to touch the surface of the canvas because there are oils on human hands that could spoil the painting.
– A bathroom of kitchen is not an ideal environment for hanging paintings. The humid atmosphere and in a kitchen food and fat molecules caused by cooking can have a bad effect on canvas.Especially gallery wrapped canvas with no glass to protect it.

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