The Bold Voice of J&K
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off d cuff

Sweet sound if Rama, Rama

Spiritualism manifests through belief in a Universal God.This Universal God is the highest level of energy. The whole universe originates from this energy and will eventually dissolve in it. We must acknowledge this higher energy as the…

Revolutionary intent

A remarkable event in the 70- year history of United Nations (UN) occurred on September 25, 2015. In a historical adoption, 193 member states agreed on a common goal to transform planet earth and make it sustainable. The resolution…

Rishikesh yoga Gurus have China in a twist

Rishikesh, believed by many to be the yoga capital of India, is also emerging as one of the biggest exporters of yoga teachers to Southeast Asia as well as China where demand for yoga is at an all-time high. An estimated 1,500 Indian yoga…
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