The Bold Voice of J&K
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editorial article

Power of audacity, armour of caution

Gautam Mukherjee George Danton, a leader of the French Revolution, extolled the virtues of audacity, first, as it is recorded, followed later by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, and US General Patton, later still.  'Audacity of Hope' was also…

Makings of a serious mass movement

Claude Arpi On 1st October, the People's Republic of China's founding day, Zhang Xiaoming, director of Beijing's liaison office in Hong Kong, told the media with a smile, "The sun rises as usual". This was an indirect comment on the Occupy…

Political spectrum; an overview

B G Verghese The Award of the Nobel Peace Prize this year is especially symbolic. Kailash Satyarthi, a quiet but dedicated Indian worker for child rights and the well-known Malala Yousafzai, the plucky Pakistani education and child rights…

Change of scene in India-Pakistan theatre

Ashok Malik It is now fairly apparent that Indian forces have retaliated so heavily along the troubled frontier that Pakistani troops are on the retreat. In the past two days, pressure from across the border has lessened. Whether this is…

Amenities for stone pelters

Shiv Kumar Padha The recent floods in Kashmir converted the entire Valley to a sea overnight, the unexpected floods took in its spate hundreds of precious lives both of the human and the livestock, destroyedthe property of the natives…
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