The Bold Voice of J&K
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Crimes against women

Isher Singh Jasrotia We are talking of India as biggest democracy in the world having basic essential features in the Preamble of our Constitution - Social Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity that are reflected in our Constitution. In…

Pakistan lies nailed

M. M Khajooria ‘The Million march on Kashmir' in London  disaster not only embarrassed Pakistani establishment but upset many  political and diplomatic initiatives  crafted to fallow 'the march' whose success was taken for granted. The …

Election conundrum in J and K

Rameshwar Singh Jamwal The coming elections in Jammu and Kashmir are being watched by Kashmir watchers across the globe with consternation as it will point to the way the politics of Kashmir will lead to the politics of region. Well…

Beyond symbolic cleanliness

Kushan Mitra About a month ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had declared that cleanliness was the need of the hour and had launched the Swachch Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) by symbolically cleaning a low-income area in central…

Rawalpindi is the real villain

Mayuri Mukherjee In Afghanistan's long drawn out transition process to peace and stability, this year has been particularly crucial. Western troops who have held the country together over the past decade and a half are now wrapping up…

Indian universities must push knowledge

Saikat Majumdar Protests by about 80,000 students in Italy this October have sent a clear message to their government. They don't want a university education that merely trains them for the job market. In overwhelming numbers, they have…

A way out of the black hole of black money

Joginder Singh Thanks to the constant prodding of the Supreme Court, the Union Government submitted a list of 627 Indians with foreign bank accounts on 29th October. This was to show that the Government was serious about recovering black…
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