The Bold Voice of J&K
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editorial article

Time to reconcile to new dispensation

Swapan Dasgupta In a lecture last month, historian Romila Thapar, in a direct reference to the India under Narendra Modi, regretted "the narrowing of the liberal space". Whether she was observant or needlessly paranoid is dependant on how…

Icons of national movement

Kuldip Nayar Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel are the two icons of the freedom movement. One was left of the centre and the other right of the centre but they sank their ideological differences to win freedom. After…

The architect of India

Isher Singh Jasrotia Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru - The First Prime Minister of India, the first Indian to enlighten the public about  the importance of education, Chairman of Planning Commission, the first Indian as  inventor of Panchsheel,…

The beginning of an end yet to come

Ashok Malik In a world increasingly given to hyperbole, the adjective 'historic' is used and prefixed over-generously. It is necessary to separate the truly historic from what appears to be momentous but is only a passing fancy. Yet, by…

Good for the goose, good for the gander

Claude Arpi The Chinese are amazing. During his monthly press conference, Defence Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun questioned India's plan to build 54 border posts on its Arunachal frontier. He said: "We have taken notice of the reports.…

Crimes against women

Isher Singh Jasrotia We are talking of India as biggest democracy in the world having basic essential features in the Preamble of our Constitution - Social Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity that are reflected in our Constitution. In…
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