The Bold Voice of J&K
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Beating India’s drum as investment haven

Gautam Mukherjee The key ingredient in transformational Modinomics is massive investment into infrastructure and manufacturing. Japan is going to contribute to this vision by investing $35 billion over the next five years. This includes…

Conundrum of modern political life

Rajdeep Sardesai Politicians are notoriously schizophrenic: I have met any number of netas who can be wonderfully warm and polite when they are off camera but turn into rabble-rousing venomous public figures the moment the camera is…

Nawab under siege

Gurmeet Kanwal The situation unfolding in Pakistan is truly precarious and is headed towards a dangerous denouement. Imran Khan, Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party and Tahir-ul-Qadri, a rabble-rousing cleric, have led a march to…

Sharif in town takes charge

Ashok K Mehta The anarchy in Islamabad is surreal. Most experts are calling it an army-inspired soft coup to undermine the legitimately elected government. The joint violent protests by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan Awami Tehreek…

Land of rising sun,opportunities

That the Modi Sarkar will re-establish global confidence in the Indian growth story by pressing the accelerator was well understood overseas. Within the country, the mega vote of confidence the party won in May demolished all doubts abroad.…

Are we geared to counter ISIS spread

Musafir Was woken up with the news of young champion stone-pelter getting respite and amnesty. Sundays are to laze around and read the papers..This Sunday was no different but the clamour of host of election oriented initiatives  hid all…

Small changes must with big reforms

Swapan Dasgupta This irreverent extension of the Modi Mantra, na khaata, na khane deta. (I don't take bribes; I don't let others take bribes), originated in Gandhinagar around 2007 but it has found ready takers among ministers who find…

Talks needed

With the political battle in Pakistan shifting from streets to the Parliament with pro-government leaders and lawmakers of Imran Khan's Pakistan Tahreek-i-Insaf (PTI) party accusing each other of undermining democracy, the impasse…

Playing with lives

As per details provided by the Drug Controller of the State to a news agency 12,534 samples of drugs were collected in the State since the year 2010 while prosecution proceedings have been initiated against 175 drug suppliers so far. During…

What next?

 Alok Ray The BJP government has refused to sign the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) - which basically wants to simplify customs procedures - without the agricultural subsidy issue being simultaneously resolved at WTO. India has made it…
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