The Bold Voice of J&K
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editorial article

A straw in the wind

 Kuldip Nayar It appears that the magic of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is waning. His party, the BJP has met a reverse in the bypolls. Out of the 18 seats in Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Bihar, the BJP won only seven. The…

Hazards of poorly planned engagement

G Parthasarathy Diplomatic engagement with a neighbour having territorial ambitions and an abiding desire to alter the balance of power has to be carefully planned and executed. Apart from realistically assessing the balance of military…

Environment, ecology, pilgrimages

Prof Mohd Junaid Jazib It is rather in the recent years that the environmental considerations have arrested the attention of one and all. This, apparently an appreciable change in the society's collective behavior, is very significant from…

Obama’s another pause on Syrian front

Exactly a year ago, President Barack Obama was bracing for a military strike against Syria as America's long-time bete noire Bashar al-Assad crossed the "red line" with his alleged use of chemical weapons. However, after all the…

Hazards of poorly planned engagement

Diplomatic engagement with a neighbour having territorial ambitions and an abiding desire to alter the balance of power has to be carefully planned and executed. Apart from realistically assessing the balance of military and economic power,…

Not an India-Pakistan problem

India's cancellation of Foreign Secretary level talks with Pakistan, after Islamabad's envoy in New Delhi met with Kashmiri separatists despite Government opposition, has led to much concern over how the larger peace process between the two…
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