The Bold Voice of J&K
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A Surya Prakash

Minority that has received raw deal

A Surya Prakash The House of the People (the Lok Sabha) has 543 elected members and two nominated seats. Article 331 of the Constitution stipulates that the nominated seats are exclusively for members of the Anglo-Indian community. This…

Elections cannot be a luxury in democracy

A Surya Prakash Although there have been howls of protest over Gujarat's path-breaking law to make voting compulsory in elections to local bodies, this is certainly a move that is worthy of serious examination. Those familiar with the…

Instant analysis versus fact-based comment

A Surya Prakash The recent round of by-election has given the Bharatiya Janata Party a bit of a jolt and all its opponents something to cheer about. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's opponents are gloating over the so-called disappearance of…
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