The Bold Voice of J&K

Supreme Court Wets Abrogation of Article 370, Dynastic Politicians Shaky?

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Er P.L Khushu

A five-member Constitution bench of the Supreme Court, headed by Chief Justice unanimously upheld on December 11 the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A, noting that Article 370 was a temporary provision and that the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir had no internal sovereignty. This is a booming relief to all those who believe that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India without any suffixes. This Judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has sanctified the legality of the Abrogation of Article 370 and removing of Article 35 A, which was done through an enactment of Parliament on 5th August, 2019. It is a hammering blow to those who want to keep this pot boiling while saying that Jammu and Kashmir has acceded to India under the cover of special status, while taking refuge under Article 370 and 35 A.
Responding to a question about the Supreme Court’s decision on the abrogation of Article 370, a so-called tall political leader of Jammu and Kashmir expressed his frustration, stating that Jammu and Kashmir should “go to hell”.
This is an unfortunate arrogant expression by this political leader about the Jammu and Kashmir showing the quantum of dynastic ambition for power , when such dynastic based political leaders feel that they have lost their game of hunger of perpetuity for their dynastic rule of Jammu and Kashmir, with the Supreme Court recent judgment. Recent Judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has sanctified the legality of the Abrogation of Article 370 and removing of Article 35 A, which was done through an enactment of Parliament on 5th August, 2019.
Another paradox is the statement of this political leader when he says that the Centre should try to win the hearts of Kashmiri’s to build trust between the Centre and the people of Jammu and Kashmir. What does he mean? Where is the trust deficit? Every resident of Jammu and Kashmir is quite happy and comfortable and are performing their day-to-day work very well. There is no commotion or regret visible from any corner or quarter of Jammu and Kashmir, about any mistrust or anger against the Centre. Jammu and Kashmir is flourishing after the abrogation of Article 370 and people are now enjoying full and better liberties.
Tourist rush to the valley of Kashmir is a vivid example in this case. Holding of G-20 meeting in Kashmir is another milestone in this regard. Development of Jammu and Kashmir in respect of communication and other sectors is at its highest ebb.
These political leader should know that Jammu is a prominent part and parcel of Jammu and Kashmir and clubbing Jammu for such like statements of theirs will prove very costly for them and their political parties. While such political leaders have kept Kashmir valley and its people on boiling pots always on political fronts, Jammu region and its people never fell a prey to it. These leaders and their double standard regional bases, with suspected dubious political aims ever since their creations have always tried to sow such seeds of discontent and mistrust amongst the people of Jammu and Kashmir particularly the people of Kashmir for their political benefits and gains. These political parties are fundamentally responsible for the devastation of Kashmir and its social and secular fabric with the import of militancy which took birth due to their parochial and monarchial rules loaded with bias and contempt. Let them now take rest and leave the people of Jammu and Kashmir alone, as enough is enough.
SC admitted for hearing all the petitions against this abrogation of Article 370 and the allied issues with it from almost all sections of the political parties and individuals, mostly from Jammu and Kashmir. It provided the fullest possible justice to all such petitioners as per the stipulations of justice and law of the land. The case stretched for nearly four years. Finally, the SC dismissed all such petitions on the anomaly of law and constitutional grounds. The Honorable SC upheld the passing of the Act by the parliament as legal and constitutional.
These political leader of dynastic base were knowing that the judgment about this issue, has to be in favor of the legal and the constitutional circumstances, under which Article 370 was abrogated and Article 35 A removed. But to befool the innocent people of Kashmir again on this issue, such dynastic political leaders are now playing other dangerous cards, to convey to the innocent people of Kashmir, that they are on the mysterious job of getting back the Article 370 and Article 35 A. Such leaders have been using it for their extra personal benefits of sorts, to remain as the perpetual rulers of Jammu and Kashmir as monarchs, along with their progenies.
Their dreams are now almost shattered with the abrogation of the Article 370 and 35 A, when their frustration is apparent and vivid. They say our struggle will continue to get Article 370 and 35 A, back. How will they do it? What are the options left for them in this regard? Probably none. The only option is to accept the verdict of Supreme court and accept the present position of Jammu and Kashmir as its final status. By struggle do they mean coming on the streets for the same. Nobody among the masses is with them. Kashmiri’s are now fed up with them. The better wisdom for them is sit home and forget about the politicizing the status of Jammu and Kashmir again. The general masses of Jammu and Kashmir particularly that of Kashmir now want development and prosperity, not devastation and disturbances. They have seen enough of it for the last more than five decades at the hands of these dynastic rulers.
The Gupkar conglomerate, may have to swallow the better pill, that its boat is sunk now. Let them tell the people of Kashmir that the ” grapes are sour now for them”. They have no option left to be experimented with. Their old game has finished and a new Kashmir has taken birth with the abrogation of Article 370 and the reorganization Act of 5th August 2019, which has been accepted by the people of Jammu and Kashmir gladly.
Such political parties and its leaders from Kashmir, tried to take the support of other national level disgruntled political leaders of this country who have recently formed an alliance which looks like doted India, as its nomenclature is so as I.N.D.I Alliance. This alliance is an outcome of frustration and dismay as almost most of the political leaders forming this alliance have lost their political power & positions of authority, while being mostly dynasty based. Most of the prominent faces in this dotted alliance are mostly of more than 75 years of age, when a few of them have even crossed the limits of 80 years of age. Are they still power hungry and are thus deluding the nation, by seeking rebirth as the worthy political leaders to rule the nation again to its doom. Let them take rest now. They had their innings right or wrong, which was mostly full of dynastic culture, nepotism, family fanning and above all mostly full of corrupt practices.
Modi and his honest and dedicated governance have shown them the door. They are now trying their luck again to regain their lost power and positions. Will they succeed is a million dollar question. It is a conglomerate of opposite faces and odd political rivals of past trying to put an imaginary face of togetherness to woo the voters of India. Will they succeed to do so when the people across the country know their aims and objectives of coming to power for their individual interests and benefits? Once bitten twice shy, people of India know these people fully well.
Some political leaders from Kashmir have become a part and parcel of this dotted India conglomerate as its sympathizers. It gives enough pain to see a prominent leader of one of the prominent political party of Kashmir to sit with this conglomerate of desperate souls, at this advanced age of his as its cowboy. It looks ridiculous. How such excursions of the disgruntled political leaders of Kashmir with the doted India conglomerates can come to their rescue and help them to resume their political power back in Kashmir, when such conglomerates are helpless for their own survivals. The hallucinations of all of them including the dynastic based political leaders of Kashmir that they will defeat Modi and his regime in the coming general elections of 2024 and will regain power back , is prima facie a myopic thinking. Modi and his political party is going to repeat its rule on India third time again. This is due to the fact that Modi and his regime has been working for the development of India on its all fronts, with devotion, dedication and honesty. The recent election results of the three prominent states of India, should be an eye opener for all of them.
Who does not know that India has progressed with tremendous pace during the last ten years of Modi rule. India’s economy is touching different heights in international scenario. Today India is reckoned as a world power. All these leaders mostly with dynastic bases who are linked to the dotted India are wasting their time and energy by following a path which may prove to be a final doom for all of them, including the dynastic based political leaders from Kashmir who are daydreaming to come back to power, by aligning with this insignificant political conglomerate.
Of late one of the so called leader of a prominent political party from Kashmir again says that Centre needs to address the root cause of terrorism. It is a puzzle as they are themselves the root causes of the terrorism in Kashmir, which all such leaders know. Similarly often saying talk to Pakistan about Kashmir and militancy will not get ended till then and civilian killings will continue makes a person to believe, that such statements are a bizarre proof of the fact the such persons and political forums are a de-facto supporters of terror in Kashmir sponsored by Pakistan way back in 1989.
With the brute advent of militancy in the year 1989-90, during the national conference rule, abetted by the sympathetic support of the Congress party from Delhi, the situation for the KP’s became a death knell for them. Mass genocide and exodus of the KP’s occurred, which is reverberating still on the fascia and the minds of the KP’s and will continue to be so as long as humanity exists in this universe. Prominent leaders, intellectuals, politicians, individuals, government officers and the like amongst the KP’s were brutally killed in broad day lights in thousands, along with the mass migration of this minuscule community to their destinations of devastations. It shows an extreme apathy of the government who cannot do much and proper to save the KP’s from such selected killings by the terrorists. It has put the KP’s in extreme despair, to crave for their existence as a community of aboriginal connection with Kashmir valley.
A prolific presumption based on the ground realities show that such political leaders from Kashmir are using terrorism in Kashmir as a tool of black mail to regain their lost power back, by calling themselves as the well wishers of the people of Kashmir. This is quite unfortunate for Jammu and Kashmir. They should understand that the people are not now with them. The Supreme Court judgment has made Article 370 history. Years from now, the nation would have forgotten it even existed. The verdict was received as expected within the nation. Within the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir, there were no protests or even a whiff of anger. Life went on as normal and it appeared that the populace had hoped for this verdict. There were no calls for hartals to display disagreement with the Supreme Court verdict.
The only burning issue to be settled is that of the displaced Kashmiri Pandits and they need to be rehabilitated back to their homes and hearths in Kashmir with dignity and honor.
(The author is a chartered
consultant civil engineer, passionately attached and
devoted to his mother land – Jammu & Kashmir).

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