The Bold Voice of J&K

Strong bond between Modi & his mother


It is said that behind every man’s success there is a woman. That woman in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s life is his mother, Heeraben Modi. Really, mother is the most selfless person in this world who starts loving her children even before they come into this world. Nothing could be compared to a mother’s love in this world as it is the purest form of love. Recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi has penned a heartfelt note for his mother Heeraben, as she entered the 100th year of her life on June 18. He met her at her residence in Gandhi Nagar in Gujarat on the occasion of her birthday. Modi also took blessings from her mother and washed her feet during the visit. Every year, he meets his mother Heeraben on her birthday and spends quality time with her. This clearly shows how strong a bond Prime Minister has with his mother. He has also dedicated a blog to his mother, underlining her sacrifices as well as the different facets of her life that ‘shaped’ his mind, personality, and self-confidence. A mother not only gives birth to her children, but also shapes their mind, their personality, and their self-confidence. And while doing so, mothers selflessly sacrifice their own personal needs and aspirations. As per reports, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mother prefers not to eat any special food, but to cook her own food. She doesn’t like food with more oil and spices. She likes to eat lentils, rice, Khichdi and Chapati in her daily diet. And in sweets, she likes sugar candy and Lapsi. It is rightly said that a mother is not an individual or a personality, motherhood is a quality. It is often said that the gods are made according to the nature of their devotees. Similarly, we experience our mothers and their motherhood according to our own nature and mindset. It is clear that the son like Prime Minister Narendra Modi can never imagine his life without his mother, while the mother’s affection and care for her son are eternal. Mothers have a significant impact on their sons to the extent that the way they behave in their later years is attributed to their relationship with their mother. No other person understands a child better than a mother. Despite being the mother of a renowned figure in world politics, she prefers living a simple life which includes travelling in public transports. She struggled all her life, did hard work, never borrowed money and gave such teachings to children, which made them self-dependent and great leaders. She had brought up her children under difficult circumstances, and had never had the luxury of having material comforts. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has recalled that his mother never had high aspirations for Modi, and even if he had landed an ordinary job, she would have been equally happy. several sacrifices made by Modi’s mother as he grew up and the various qualities of his mother that shaped his mind, personality, and self-confidence reveals the fact that Modi and his mother epitomise the strong bond between a mother and son.
After God, it is our mother who has the most special place in our hearts and our lives. Since the birth of a child, a mother forms a precious and special bond with him. Without thinking about herself, she thinks about her child and his happiness.
She works day and night for her children so that she can make them happy. Motherhood is an integral part of a woman’s life, and she selflessly gives her best to it.
We are very fortunate to have a mother in our life, and we must respect our mothers. We should give her all the happiness and love because she deserves all of that in return for her selfless love for us. As for Narendra Modi who is globetrotting throughout the year, it is his mother’s blessings which bring him true happiness. It was a heartwarming moment for the mother-son duo as Modi touched her feet and sought blessings from Heeraben.

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