The Bold Voice of J&K

Stop eve-teasing

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Dear Editor,
The structure of Indian society has always been male dominated. But in modern era, women tried to break the centuries of shackles by venturing into male dominated areas. Though we have grown by leaps and bounds yet the most basic structure of society is showing no signs of improvement. A thorough look at newspaper daily shows us so many incidents against woman. Eve teasing is a one of the huge issue in many metropolitan cities of India. A large percentage of Indian women have faced or facing this menace. Whether it is public transport system or public places or shopping malls or multiplexes, women find themselves vulnerable to the threat of eve teasing everywhere. Eve teasing is a complex problem and it requires more attention than what it actually gets. The traditional mindset often blames the eve teasing incidents on women that they provoke males by wearing scanty clothes. That’s actually a lame excuse. Even if females wear modern dresses, it doesn’t give men license to harass women. The answer lies in changing the mindset and inculcating morals and values in our education system. Eve teasing must be stopped. Women deserve respect. Dealing with eve teasing has been made further easy by some charity organisations that help women with harassment problems. But we still have to go a long way to completely rectify this burning issue.
Vivek Koul
Gole Gujral, Jammu.

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