The Bold Voice of J&K

State Government of dullards-behaving likebaby holding hammer

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Mahadeep Singh Jamwal

Before scripting on the subject, scrolling of the power hungry political psychopaths is must, in order to arrive at the conclusion that why ‘North Pole’ and ‘South Pole’ i.e. BJP and PDP in J andK was desperate to form the government and for what delivery to the common man of the State?
The State of Jammu and Kashmir is quite different in coming to its existence than other states of the Union of India. The State of Jammu and Kashmir came into existence under autocratic rule of Dogra Rajputs, on 16th March 1846 under a Treaty commonly known as ‘Treaty of Amritsar’, between the British Government on the one part and Raja Gulab Singh of Jammu on the other side and the accession of State with Dominion of India came into existence through a document tailored on 26th day of October 1947 by Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir and accepted by Governor- General of India on 27th day of October 1947. In between some historical events in Kashmir took place, such as; on 14th of July 1931, a demonstration against autocratic rule of Hindu Maharaja in the State was held at Srinagar, On 16th October, 1932 the first political party ‘Kashmir Muslim Conference’ was formed, which was renamed as National Conference on 24th June 1938, and In May 1946 launching of the ‘Quit Kashmir’ agitation. The Sheiks Adullah’s demands namely separate flag, separate constitution, separate dominion, no Indian election commission, no CAG, no Parliament election, the denominations of Chief Minister and Governor won’t be applicable in J and K, instead they are called ‘Wazir-e-Azam’ (Prime Minister) and ‘Sadr-r-Riyasat’ ( President). To counter the demands a massive agitation ‘Praja Parishad Andolan’ was launched from Jammu in J&K with movement’s slogan that one nation cannot have two Prime Ministers, two flags and two Constitutions (“Ek Desh Mein Do Vidhan, Do Pradhan aur Do Nishan Nahi Challenge”). So from all this we can come to the conclusion that differences have their footing from a different ideological faces.
JAMMU: Prior to formation of J and K State, the Jammu and Kashmir was having individual entities. Jammu was once part of the Harappa civilisation. The history also speaks of its control under Maurya, Kushan, Kushanshahs and Gupta. The area witnessed changes of control following invasions by Mughals and Sikhs, before finally falling under the control of the British. The ‘Dev’ Dynasty Ruled Jammu for about 984 years from 840 CE to 1816 CE. The Jammu remained under Hindu Rulers till 1846. Broadly speaking almost all Hindu remained rulers of Jammu.
KASHMIR: In the first half millennium, the Kashmir region became an important centre of Hinduism and of Buddhism. Later still, in the ninth century, Kashmir Shaivism arose. In 1349, Shah Mir became the first Muslim Ruler of Kashmir. He founded Shah Mir Dynasty and ruled from 1339 until 1342. Muslim monarchs ruled Kashmir, including the Mughals from 1526 until 1747, and the Afghans from 1747 until 1820. Broadly speaking most Muslims remained rulers of Kashmir. As the rulers in both Jammu as well as in Kashmir were followers of different religions so their prints still somehow continue in the present time also, off and on the religious intolerance raises its head in the State in the shape of sacrilegious acts, destruction of seats of worship, disturbances in holy pilgrimages etc.
All regional parties of Valley have ideological differences with the parties of Jammu region particularly BJP (which emerged as voice of people in Jammu and NPP, largely recognised voice of Dogra). The Jammu leaders of Kashmir centric parties are branded as adulator/sycophant. The PDP scored 28 seats in 2014 elections riding on its manifesto having among other points the following points of concern; To pursue ‘self rule’ as a guiding frame work for the resolution of the Kashmir issue. (the Cambridge English Dictionary define self rule as ‘the act of a country, a part of a country, or a nation choosing its own government and controlling its own activities’, where as Free Dictionary define self rule as “Government of a political unit by its own people. Self determination, Self Government, Autonomy, Liberty-Immunity from Arbitrary Exercise of Authority, Political Independence, Sovereignty-(Government free from external control”). Outlying the basics of self rule, the party has promised closer ties across the Line of Control by making borders irrelevant and promoting the economic and social integration of the region.
Will use Article 370 itself to restore the original special status of the State.
Joint coordination mechanism for projects across the Line of Control and joint regulatory commission on trade and tariffs.
The BJP scored 25 seats with its vision document envisaging;
Just and honorable re-settlement of the displaced members of the Kashmiri Pandit Community.
Reserve three seats for displaced Kashmiris, out of 46 Assembly seats for Kashmir Valley.
Reserve five seats for refugees from the PoK from the 24 seats kept vacant for the PoK.
33 per cent reservation to women in the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council.
Favoritism will be curbed.
Will ensure corruption free and people friendly government.It is to remind that after the results of 2014 elections, the PDP and BJP consumed approximately two months to forge the ‘Agenda of Alliance’ to enter into the government formation.
(To be continued)
The minute examination of the ‘Agenda of Alliance’ reveals how BJP was desperate to occupy ministerial births in J and K. On analysis of the ‘Agenda of Alliance’ agreed by BJP in real perspective, we find that this has been tailored in a very shrewd manner as to give an understanding that it will provide a very bright future to the people of Jammu region and its development.
After the demise of Mufti ji, Madame Mufti probable occupant of CM chair, very cunningly tried to exploit the desperation for power of BJP unit of the State by projecting very coldly, the demands of high aspirations. The Madame kept BJP in dialogue through its trusted lieutenants, although these were denied by both players but were very secretly guided. This prolong period of any results was claimed waiting in period owing to the Madame Mufti in deep grief and shock. In between, on 7th January 2016 Madame shot its first bullet to trouble power hungry BJP by stating that her father’s decision to ally with BJP was an ‘unpopular’ and accused BJP of ‘overt and covert’ sabotage and suggested that the PDP would have to ‘reassess’ the coalition. Another shot was fired on 15th January 2016, that PDP, will review the progress of the Agenda of Alliance. This all created a logjam and to end it Ram Madhav National General Secretary of the BJP and former member of the National Executive of the RSS met Mehbooba Mufti, although his visit to Srinagar was kept confidential both by the BJP and the PDP. The Ram Madhav stated “We are completely unimpressed by the way in which Mehbooba Mufti is handling matters”. Meanwhile voice from Jammuites started pouring in, about desperation of ex-ministers in the coalition and their falling flat before PDP for re-alliance as a shameful act of BJP; the J and K unit of BJP was snubbed by the central leadership and were asked not to speak anything on re-alliance. There after the parleys between two gave signals of some reconciliation, but it got stuck with no results by the sharp dictates of RSS as not to proceed ahead in view of any fresh demands from PDP and any commitment thereof. The psychoanalysis of power lust by BJP concludes on following points;
? The re-election is not going to repeat these ministers and MLAs.
? They will be deprived of constituency development fund, free luxurious vehicles, battery of PSOs, escort vehicles, and free luxurious bungalows, and many more comforts.
? No dictates to the administration, which becomes available at their beck and call while in power.
? Hundreds scope of corruption and what not, of which they will be deprived.
? Their position on ground level exposed by civic election contestants as to withdraw if ex-ministers and MLAs appear in their areas of contesting.
? Utilising the left over tenure of Assembly with power and comforts as thereafter they have to slip to oblivion.
? Similarly PDP has also realized its come back not possible, if re-elections are held, as Valleyites have registered their rejection for the party as witnessed during mourning days of late Mufti ji.
During almost three months match between BJP and PDP, we can safely comment, that during first inning played by PDP, all balls bowled by it, failed to secure even a single run and in the second inning now played by BJP, PDP is required to be given clean bold, run out or stump out.
If we peep into the post delivery of this alliance government, it has proved to exist nowhere. The turmoil created in Valley and government dictating its terms through force, banishing of Jammu ministers and MLAs from the scene, people are shut to the doors in Valley, Jammu people have distanced themselves from Jammu representation is it a democratically elected government? Had some shame left in this government it would have resigned, so far the Center is blind to the constitutional failure in the State. The visits of HM jumbo packed delegation have received cold response from the Valley. In a nutshell we can brand this government as a combination of dullards nothing more than it. The phrase goes well here that ‘giving money and power to government of fools is like giving whisky and car keys to teenage boys’. The government of J and K is just like a baby having hold of hammer to strike anywhere without having applied the brain, which is immature in the baby.

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