The Bold Voice of J&K

Stand together to protect community for progeny: KPC

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JAMMU: Although KP community was considered community of intellectuals, with love for harmony, tolerance, faithfulness, language & culture, but the same community has gone into a catastrophe and wilderness, humming up with false prestige. The reason for this is that the community has forgotten past, misusing present, dishonouring heritage and forgetting language. If we really wish and want to restore the pristine glory KPs, it is the need of hour to maintain linguistic heritage by preserving Kashmiri language to save our gene by avoiding inter-caste marriages.
It was stated by the President, Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC), Kundan Kashmiri during a meeting held at New Delhi on Sunday.
Elaborating further, President KPC said that we often see that Kashmiri language is losing its savvy very fast as second generation of Kashmiri boys and girls hardly communicate in Kashmiri language with their community fellows and have adopted and imbibed a non-Kashmir culture. “Trend of inter-caste marriages has also tremendously increased in community forgetting that it dilutes our community ethos, rituals and other ways of life besides adversely affecting community population growth,” he added.
KPC Chief further stressed for attaining a viable critical mass ratio as we are much below critical mass in terms of numbers. In order to protect and preserve our community, the elders and others should take responsibility in introducing and inculcating Kashmiri culture in their family as well as within the community for making young generation feel proud of being a Kashmiri Pandit.
Kundan Kashmiri also impressed upon the community youth that trend of ignoring and isolating parents and elders is emerging gradually, thus giving bad name to cultured and ‘Sanskarik’ community like Kashmiri Pandits. “It is necessary for community youth to respect and attend to their parents and elders without ignoring them,” he added, urging entire KP Biradari to come together for protecting community for the progeny.

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