The Bold Voice of J&K

Sports Council working against its constitution: JKOA

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JAMMU: All Abhiyans including Khelo India, slogans such as ‘Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikas, ‘Na Khaunga-Na Khane Dunga’ may have proved fruitful in other parts of the country but the situation in the State of Jammu and Kashmir is different as J and K State Sports Council, here is on looting spree and working against its own constitution.
This was alleged by General Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir Olympic Association (JKOA), Dr Ashutosh Sharma, in a handout issued on Wednesday.
In the recently held standing committee meeting of Sports Council, he has said, decisions such as creation of parallel associations, appointments of relatives of council officials and members, director football and cricket academies at Srinagar without advertisement, efforts to finish the autonomous structure and interference in the constitutions of State Sports Associations, decision to decide the venue, date and time of elections of the Associations by the council is nothing but an effort to have complete supremacy over the constitutional obligations of the Associations to plunder the funds coming from the Centre in crores.
“The funds are meant for the development of sports and creation of modern infrastructure in the State, which is almost nil as sports is the least priority in the present setup of sports council,” he said.
In the aforesaid meeting, he added, efforts were made by engineering wing and a non-State subject to get the construction works in crores passed without calling tenders but timely intervention of Commissioner/Secretary Planning and Technical Education foiled the same who was nominated as the member of the standing committee and claimed to be the childhood friend of the Sports Minister.
“The aforesaid non-state subject member is hell bent to create an atmosphere of uncertainty in the Sports Council by creating a wedge in the sports associations,” he said adding that officials and sportsmen have urged the President, Vice-President and the Secretary to immediately show the door to this member.
He alleged that the Secretary Sports Council who is President of Youth Wing of PDP hardly finds time to attend the office. “Secretary Sports Council was never seen in Jammu during the months of February, March and April,” he said adding that Sports Council is presently run by an engineer and a non-state subject member, mentioned earlier.
This controversial member is hell bent to create dissensions in the State Sports Associations, indulge in large scale discrimination, creation of parallel associations and groupism which was never seen in the past, he alleged.
He demanded action against those Associations involved in dwindling funds, illegal appointments on the behest of coterie of their relatives sitting at helm in Sports Council.
Efforts were made to apprise Prime Minister, Chief Minister and all concerned about ongoing corruption in the Sports Council through E-mail, Facebook and Twitter but the same have been proved futile as J&K Olympic Association has not yet received any acknowledgment as the E-Mail ID Inbox of the Prime Minister is full and E-mail ID of Chief Minister is not available, he informed.

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