The Bold Voice of J&K

Society and Social Media

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Society and Social MediaSumanesh Jastrotia
When we talk about social media, the first thing that strikes in our mind is Facebook or Twitter, but social media is very broader than this. Now, in the modern world social media is defined in terms of mobile and web based technologies to create a social network in a virtual world through a collection of online communication channels. Social media is that virtual world where people interact freely, sharing and discussing ideas and information, know about each other and their lives, sending messages etc. by using a multimedia mix of personal words, pictures, videos and audios.
Here are some spectacular examples of social media:
Facebook: The most popular free social networking site where registered users can find friends and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues, upload photos and videos, share information, messaging etc.
Twitter: It is a free micro-blogging site where registered members can post short blogs called tweets, other members can follow their tweets.
Wikipedia: It is a free online encyclopaedia where anyone can register and create their article for publication. Anyone can edit its content.
linkedIn: It is a popular social networking site among business community and professional.
Reddit: It is a social news website and forum.
Pinterest: It is a social photo sharing website where users can create and manage image collections such as events, interest and hobbies.
Possible advantages and disadvantages of Social Media:
1) Advantages for students:
a) Students can produce and retain information.
b) Social media offers lots of opportunities for learning and interaction. Students are getting to explore and experience the world not only by books and assignments; but also by adapting social media. In today’s world; contacts, networks and communications are very important; students who are accessing Facebook, twitter and other such social networking site to connect and share information have good contacts.
2) Disadvantages for students:
a) Social media can be a very distracting and harmful for students. Students share personal information, comment on someone’s post which may be harmful for them.
c) Always glued with their mobiles, tablets, computer which is a wastage of time and may spoil their performance.
1) Advantages for Teenagers:
a) Comfortable way of communication for shy teens. This can boost their self-esteem and confidence.
b) Social media gives teens with unusual interest and hobbies a place to share information and enthusiasm.
c) Social media helps them to enrich and manage their social lives.
d) Teens who are differently abled and have other challenges can communicate with other teens with similar problems.
2) Disadvantages for Teenagers:
a) Online bullying and harassment which is also known as Cyber-bullying may be the biggest danger for teens.
b) Online predators, it is basically an online sex crime against minors.
c) Less interaction with friends and family.
BUSINESS: Benefits for businesses:
a) Social Media Marketing: It is an excellent tool for business exposure to the public at a much lower cost than any traditional.
b) Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter help targeting new customers and make brand more popular.
c) Social Media can improve customer services and enable business to gain new information about their customers.
Social Media contribution to society:
1) A boon in crisis : During “Superstorm Sandy” in U.S social media played a vital role, many people used facebook to give details of destruction and reassure their friends and relative that they are safe. In effort to clear phone lines, police asked people to use social media for communication.
2) Worthful aid for solving crime: Police are beginning to investigate gang-related crimes on social media networks.
3) It’s a form of political influence : Social media is a true voice of people. Social media is a powerful force for change and it has a potential to influence the outcomes of political decisions.
4) Wiped-out the distances : We can reconnect with our kith and kin internationally without wasting money on international phone calls by using emails and Skype.
5) A revolution in brand making : Social media has transformed the market. Brands have the ability to engage the customers with products, social media helps to make good brand image.
People use social media religiously, they worship all social media sites like a God, without accessing any social media site they don’t begin their day whether it is for personal communication, self-promotion or marketing. Human nature is quiet complex whereas humans are habitual and wilful even impatient.
Due to these traits social media is flourishing day by day. Technological advancements made things easier for people to express themselves through social media platforms but a coin has two sides, still there are many people who focus on the negative effects of social media and forget about the good.
(The writer is Associate Professor in Chemistry, Govt. Degree College, Kathua.)

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