The Bold Voice of J&K

SHEER: In the service of people by the cooperation of people

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Dr. Kuldeep Singh Jammu  

Kudos to State Times (13th April, Page 8 &14, Page 6, 2016) for publishing our philosophy titled “SHEERism: The Revolution across Globe”.
This philosophy encompasses three universal values such as the God “Universal Energy”; spiritualism embedded in Holy Scriptures and Constitution of respective country is supreme.
The aim of this new philosophy is to end divide of all kinds caused by so called people at the helm of affairs. The root cause of this divide is the religion based where the self styled people connived with politicians at helm without knowing about true God and constitution have successfully divided the people up to extent of micro-levels.
Throughout my life I followed what all others did to worship God. It includes the rituals of all religions in Temples; Gurudwara; Mosque; Church and Ashrams of various sect saints. But my further quest to know about God did end with new philosophy titled “SHEERism”.
All religions converge at one point that God is one, but this stark truth has not descended down in right direction up to micro-levels.
God in Islam: Islam believes in one God. He is the creator of universe and has power over everything within it. He is unique and exalted above everything He creates, and His greatness cannot be compared to His creation. He is the only one deserving of any worship and the ultimate purpose of all creation is to submit to Him.
Muslims often refer to God as Allah. This is a universal name for God. Allah is simply the Arabic name for God which affirms that He is one singular God with no partners or equals.
Muslims believe that He created humankind with a simple purpose – to worship Him. He sent messengers to guide people in fulfilling this purpose. Some of these messengers include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace be upon all of them. They all taught a consistent message about God by affirming His greatness as the Creator and guiding people to worship Him alone. This basic concept has always resonated with people’s natural understanding of God.
God in Christianity: Christians recognise Jesus as the Son of God who was sent to save mankind from death and sin. Jesus Christ taught that he was Son of God. His teachings can be summarised, briefly as the love of God and love of one’s neighbour. Jesus said that he had come to fulfill God’s law rather than teach it.
Christians believe in justification by faith – that through their belief in Jesus as the Son of God, and in his death and resurrection, they can have a right relationship with God whose forgiveness was made once and for all through the death of Jesus Christ.
Christians believe in the Trinity- that is, in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Some confuse this and think that Christians believe in three separate gods, which they don’t.
Christians believe that God took human form as Jesus Christ and that God is present today through the work of the Holy Spirit and evident in the actions of believers. These days, the word saint is most commonly used to refer to a Christian who has lived a particularly good and holy life on earth, and with whom miracles are claimed to have been associated after their death.
The formal title of Saint is conferred by the Roman Catholic and orthodox Churches through a process called canonisation. Members of these Churches also believe that Saints created in this way can intercede with God on behalf of people who are alive today. This is not accepted by most Protestants.
In the Bible, however, the word Saint is used as a description of anyone who is a committed believer, particularly by St. Paul in the New Testament (e.g. Ephesians 1.1. and 1.15).
God in Vedas: In the period of Vedic religion the term Hindu was not even coined. Vedic religion was based on deep philosophical and practical thinking. Worship of many different deities was not prevalent at the time. We can find evidences of many works related to science and mathematics in this period and the people working in these areas were sages practicing Vedic religion.
The concept of God in the Vedic times was chiefly to describe/explain different phenomenon occurring in the universe. They created Gods Bramha, Vishnu, Mahesh (Shiva) for explaining creation, sustenance and destruction of universe. They created gods for representing different manifestation natural energy e.g. Pavan=Wind, Agni=Fire, Indra=Rain, etc.
(To be continued)

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