The Bold Voice of J&K

Security situation in J&K improving, number of terrorists below 100: DGP



Srinagar: The number of terrorists in the Valley has come down below hundred and the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir is better than before, the Union territory’s police chief Dilbag Singh said on Wednesday.
He said security forces have been doing a commendable job which has led to better results on ground.
“I feel happy to inform you that the security situation is improving and is better than before,” J-K Director General of Police (DGP) Singh told reporters in Anantnag after reviewing the security situation in south Kashmir.
On terror attacks on non-locals and minorities in the Valley, he said such actions were condemnable.
“These are barbaric attacks. They are attacking common people who come to Kashmir for their livelihood. Police and security forces have taken action whenever such attacks have happened. Some of those involved in the killing of innocent people have been killed in encounters. They face the same fate,” he said. The DGP said there is a need for society to condemn such attacks in the strongest possible terms.
“Society needs to stand up against such crimes and we cannot remain silent on it…It is our responsibility also to keep labourers from outside safe and secure.
“People have to a large extent expressed their resentment against such attacks but it is not enough and people have to identify terrorists or their supporters and humiliate them in society. As far as police action is concerned, people indulging in such crimes will not be forgiven,” he added.
About the number of terrorists present in the Kashmir valley, Singh said, “It is for the first time after a very long time that the number of terrorists — both FTs (foreign terrorists) and locals — has fallen to two digits.”
“The number of terrorists is south Kashmir has fallen to the lowest ever. It is because of people’s support and the synergy between the forces and a result of good operations (by the forces),” he said.
Appealing to parents and society to make sure children do not fall prey to the narrative aimed at the destruction of Kashmir, he said they need to show the right path to the children. “Our social and religious leaders need to get involved in this.”
The DGP said no person was getting harmed in the security forces’ action and people in the Valley were living their lives like those in other parts of the country.
“Schools are functioning without any disruption. There is no hartal. People who used to call for hartals have been wiped out. If the fake chapter of Hurriyat in Pakistan calls for strikes, it finds no support from people here.
“Journalists have the courage to say the right things, but useless blogs like ‘Kashmir Fights’ threaten them. It is up to all of us to either adopt or condemn and make unsuccessful this narrative which is against Kashmir, against peace and development of Kashmir.
“We have to use every platform available to us to make these ploys, which originate from Pakistan, unsuccessful,” he said.
Singh said narcotics were a bigger crime than terrorism as far as the collective health of society was concerned.
“Terrorists carry out sporadic attacks, while narcotics destroys families together and society as well. The J-K police has vowed to fight narcotics-related crime. More than 500 cases have already been registered so far this year,” he said.
Meanwhile, chairing a joint officers meeting of various security forces, the DGP said police and other security forces are in good command of the security situation.
He said the police and security forces need to work hard to finish the remaining terror network.
Singh directed the officers to review their action plans and take immediate steps to neutralise terrorists, saying hybrid terrorists need to be taken to task.
The J-K top cop said this year so far, over 100 modules of hybrid terrorists were smashed.
Laying emphasis on minimising and neutralising security threats, the DGP said indoctrinations by Pakistani terror handlers are going on and they are using various media, especially social media, to brainwash vulnerable youths.
There are overground workers (OGWs) who help the Pakistani handlers in executing terror acts, he said, adding various stakeholders have to work together to save the vulnerable youths.
He said the security forces need to hit harder on terrorists and their promoters in order to maintain lasting peace.
He also directed jurisdictional officers to take necessary measures to demolish the network of drug trade.
The DGP directed the commandants of CAPF, JKAP, IRP and district police officers to sit together and review all measures taken for providing security to vulnerable sections of the population and religious places while keeping in view their sensitivity. Singh stressed on increasing day-and-night patrolling in different areas.

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