The Bold Voice of J&K

Secular forces alone can pull together J&K as single entity: Tara Chand


Huge Jan Sampark rally organized in RS Pura


R S Pura: Former Dy Chief Minister, Tara Chand on Sunday addressed a huge Jan Sampark Rally at RS Pura organized by Sarpanch Badrinath Sharma Panchayat Halqa Kotli Shah Doula ,RS Pura Jammu South constituency.
Speaking on the occasion, former Dy CM expressed hope that all right-minded people would come together and strengthen secular forces to foil the machinations of “divisive elements” who were creating a wedge between various segments of the society.
He expressed the hope that secular forces would form next government in J&K.
“We hope that the government will be formed by a combination of secular forces. This is all the more necessary in view of the current scenario in J&K,” Tara Chand said.
He said that only secular forces can pull the diverse regions of J&K together as a strong and vibrant single entity.
“The reactionary and divisive forces might have got away with polarising and vitiating the democratic process but the damage done in the process has put J&K at a crossroads,” Tara Chand said.
He said people have realised the sinister game plan of dividing the regions on religious lines to remain glued to power.
“We will carry forward cherished slogan of ‘Hindu, Muslim, Sikh Unity’ will remain guiding force for the cadre,” he said and urged upon the Central Government to restore statehood to J&K with job and land security for the locals. He also demanded special employment package for the youth of the UT.
He lambasted Government for exploiting the daily wagers in various departments for not fulfilling their long time pending genuine demands.
He said due to callous and non-serious attitude of governments families of daily wagers across J&K are facing a starvation-like situation. “We will defeat the designs of anti-peace forces vitiating atmosphere to serve their vested interests,” he said adding that we will remain committed to defeat the designs of communal forces and committed to safeguard the age old tradition of unity, diversity and communal harmony in J&K.
The decision to drop me from DAP did come as a surprise but what was shocking was the manner and method of communicating it. While I understand and accept the decision of the Party, to take to media before talking to me, was painful. I was not accorded the opportunity to explain the context and the content of my expulsion. Notwithstanding this, I am very grateful to Azad Sahib to have been given the opportunity to contribute in whatever small way I could in accomplishing his Party’s vision of addressing the distressing situation in and around Jammu and Kashmir which has jeopardized the security, peace and prosperity of the people of J&K. My association with Azad dates to those years when I wasn’t even formally into politics. The rapport I enjoyed with him is something that I would cherish all my life. The unflinching confidence that he always reposed in me and the relationship of trust that we shared is my source of strength to endure this situation. Not for nothing did he entrust me with the task of negotiating with people from other political parties and make me the pointsman for taking his party forward. Every single meeting, discussion and negotiations were done with the knowledge and consent of Azad Sahib. Former MLA Thakur Balwan Singh, President JKHCBA MK Bhardwaj, Vinod Sharma, Narinder Sharma, Dr Ramesh Sharma , Kissan leader Mohan Choudhary were also present.

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