The Bold Voice of J&K

SCERT Jammu, NIDM host training workshop for teachers to address child-centric vulnerability amid disasters


Div Com calls for effective orientation of children in Disaster Management


JAMMU: State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Jammu in collaboration with National Institute of Disaster Management (CCDRR centre) is organising a five days’ workshop from July 4 to 8, 2022 on “Addressing Child Centric Vulnerability enhancing capacity and promoting Resilience” at SRML HSS Jammu. The workshop started on Monday with the lighting of lamp by dignitaries including Chief Guest of the occasion, Ramesh Kumar, Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Minga Sherpa, Asst Deputy Commissioner Jammu, Dr Ravi Shankar Sharma, Director School Education Jammu (Guests of Honour), H.R. Pakhru, Joint Director, JK SCERT Jammu, and CEO Jammu.
Dr Kumar Rakka and Ranjan Kumar were the Resource persons from CCDRR, NIDM.
H.R. Pakhru presented the welcome address whereas keynote address was presented by Dr Kumar Raka, Programme Officer, CCDRR, NIDM. Rakhi Attri, Academic Officer SCERT coordinated the programme. Ramesh Kumar motivated all the participants from all the districts of Jammu division and thanked the NIDM team for cooperating with SCERT to organize this most relevant training in the UT of JK which is most vulnerable topographically. He also dwelt on the fact that children and women are the most vulnerable during any disaster.
“During the pandemic we have seen disaster creating disasters and we have to prepare children to tackle any eventuality and provide psycho social support besides training them for the management of disasters,” he said.
Dr Ravi Shanker, while speaking on the occasion, reiterated that in the wake of development of primary and pre-primary sector of school education, there is dire need for upgrading the infrastructure in the schools and requested the Divisional Commissioner to facilitate the process of up gradation of infrastructure by his intervention. This workshop is jointly being organised by National Institute of Disaster Management (CCDRR Centre), New Delhi and State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) JKUT Divisional Office Jammu. Since the first wave of Covid-19, CCDRR-NIDM has conducted over 200 trainings/webinar talks on various themes related to children and disaster risk reduction covering all the 36 states and UTs of the country and have trained more than 150000 stakeholders of Central and State Governments, National Disaster Response Forces, State Disaster Management Authorities, State Disaster Response Forces, Cross Sectoral Departments of State Governments (Health, Education, Panchayati Raj, Rural Development, Revenue, Women and Child Developments, Police Departments) Academia, Civil society organisations, parents, teachers, students etc.
The training on this very relevant and important matter is being organised under the patronage of Sh Taj Hassan, IPS, Executive Director NIDM New Delhi and Prof. Santosh Kumar Project Director CCDRR NIDM.
Every day, after the presentation of the speakers, Resource Persons will directly interact with the participants and address the issues of the participants. Upon successful completion of the five day training programme, the registered participants shall be eligible to receive the certificates of participation.

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