The Bold Voice of J&K


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Since the beginning of time, the environment has helped us establish relationships with the flora and fauna groups that have ensured our lives. Nature has provided us with many gifts such as water, sunlight, air, living beings and fossil fuels etc. by which these things have made our planet habitable.
Since this resource is available in abundance, it is being consumed in large quantities and at a rapid rate due to the increasing population to satisfy the luxurious desires of the rich and elite. That’s why it has become very necessary to protect them in every way.
Different types of mineral elements from which energy is generated include coal, oil and different types of fossil fuels which are mainly used in power generation centers and vehicles make main contribution to air pollution.
Forests play an important role in preventing soil erosion and reducing the effects of drought, as well as in keeping the water level stable. Along with this, along with keeping the conditions of the atmosphere under control, the level of carbon dioxide is also controlled for the living beings, so that the balance of life on the earth is maintained. Apart from this, for the prevention of air-borne diseases, there is a need to promote renewable energy resources such as wind and tidal energy.
Therefore, it is very important that we pay attention to forest conservation and its expansion, which can be done by promoting the purchase of non-wood products and promoting tree plantation and forest conservation by the state governments.
Along with this, aquatic ecosystems are also used by people for daily activities such as drinking, cooking, washing clothes, etc. Although the balance of the water cycle is maintained by evaporation and rainfall, but fresh water is being used and wasted in large quantities by humans.
Along with this, it is also getting polluted very fast. Therefore, in view of the future water crisis, some important decisions need to be taken for which we need to do works like construction of small reservoirs of water instead of big projects, promotion of drip irrigation method, prevention of leakage, recycling and cleaning of urban waste.
During the Green Revolution, the problem of hunger was overcome by increasing the production of crops by many techniques, but in reality it had a lot of adverse effect on the quality of the soil. That’s why we need to adopt sustainable measures for food production.
Under which there is a need to adopt other alternatives instead of using non-organic fertilizers and pesticides and to adopt crops grown in low quality soil.
In this way we can say that only through sustainable development and proper management with our personal decisions taken as a person, we can protect our precious environment.

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