The Bold Voice of J&K

Saluting the Legend

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Dear Editor,
When our national capital is witnessing a cock fight between two political parties over the garbage and waste disposal, there was a man in late Seventies who used to visit a jungle in the night when others slept, in his bicycle, avoiding eye contact with anyone. He was a one man army recycling the waste material with sand and stone to create a wonder that would change the concept of waste management. The legendary Nek Chand, infact his name suits his deeds, created a wonder in the City Beautiful,without any resources and man power. He did it with passion suppressing the opposition which world always does to its heroes. I am amazed when politics turns dirty over wastage and garbage, a man creates a wonder without announcing the world, what he was up to. Delhi Govt. is crying lack of funds and resources but when a single handed man without any support could create Rock Garden with waste material, ca’nt Delhi’s garbage and waste be recycled. But all this needs passion, purity of will which all political entities lack miserably .
You can spend crores of rupees on advertising for Swachh Bharat Abhayan but ca’nt pay the salary of Safai Karamcharies. This nation would have gone to dogs if some legendary personalities wouldn’t have born in this nation. They sacrificed their lives for the betterment of society be scientists, social reformers, inventors or educationists; and what do the politicians do just create the mess and play over it. I was wondering how politics is a dirty and filthy game but now they are showing in Delhi, playing politics over dirt and filth over the heaps of garbage. The pre requisite for being a politician is kill your soul and act. This is the truth of politics in India although world wide this may not be the truth. If we are believing in politicians for what they say we should understand they are soulless people and it is upto us whether we believe soulless creatures or not. A Big Salute to the hero and creator of Rock Garden.
Sanjay Raina

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