The Bold Voice of J&K

Sad era of stone pelting, killing, poll boycott is over

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There has been a discernable change and improvement in the ground situation in Jammu and Kashmir. One there used to be calls for Bandhs, strikes, hartals, bomb blasts, stone pelting and as well as poll boycotts.
The killings of people is now all most over. But today there is total change in the situation. There were calls and enforcement of the poll boycotts but today the poll boycotts are conspicuous by its absence. Today the candidates are fearlessly campaigning and taking part in the democratic process. In the past three decades there was fear and uncertainty rite large on the face of Jammu and Kashmir. In the past during terrorism, people were not taking part in the elections because of the fear factor. I well remember how I voted in 1989 Lok Sabha elections in favor of the independent candidate in Anantnag Parliament constituency despite the poll boycott call and these were the hey days of terrorism.
The polling booth was near a temple and I disguised my identity as a voter by pretending that I went to worship in a temple adjacent to the polling booth. But the village people said that you exercised your vote inspite of the boycott call and in those days poll boycotts were rigorously followed and enforced. I had then a feeling of insecurity. But thank God those bad days of poll boycott and calls for Bandhs are over and the common people are feeling much relieved and there is peace, normalcy and tranquility seen everywhere from North to South and East to West in Kashmir and the people are taking active part in the elections as there is no fear now of the gun tottering mercenaries as the brokers of militancy no longer give calls of poll boycott .The candidates are fearlessly campaigning and the people are also taking part in the election process without any fear and sense of security. There is an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in Kashmir and the days of killings, kidnappings, abductions and fear psychosis are over and there are no calls for the boycott of the elections. The people including young, old, women and infirm are taking active part in the parliamentary elections and this is a good augury for the assembly polls yet to be announced. Poll boycott is really a thing of bygone days and is a history and the people in the bastions of terrorism are taking interest in elections and are taking active part in the elections as there are no calls for boycott and Hartals. People are now enjoying to be part of the largest democratic exercise. There has been a marked change in the situation. The credit for bringing peace and normalcy goes squarely to the efforts and policies of the Modi government. Besides the common people of this region also have been the agents of change as they usher in the peace and have also played a commendable role in bringing peace and tranquility. The main thing is that there are no calls for strikes, Hartals and above all there is no calls for poll boycott and stone pelting, with the result, people as well as the candidates are campaigning and taking active part in the elections. First time in the history of terrorism, the people are ushering in peace and normalcy and the bomb blasts, killings and violence are now the things of past. People are in delight and are enjoying the campaigning and are cursing Pakistan for having to brought gloom to Jammu and Kashmir. The poll candidates and the common citizenry are actively engaging in the poll process as they are taking active part in the democratic process. It it for the first time in the history of militancy that there are no calls and enforcement of poll boycott and the people are in favor of peace, prosperity and development. The common people are no longer in favour of the calls of poll boycott and they are interested in peace and development and they shun the poll boycott and take delight to be part of the democratic process.
People in Kashmir curse Pakistan for having brought the economy of Jammu and Kashmir to a grinding halt in the past three decades of violence unleashed by the enemy country. But now there is an atmosphere and environment of all round development and the credit for this change and improvement in situation goes to the NDA government headed by the BJP. The Prime minister Narendra Modi takes personal interest in bringing peace ,normalcy and development to Jammu and Kashmir.
The common masses of Jammu and Kashmir are the stakeholders in the peace and development and the policies of the Modi government regarding Jammu and Kashmir are leaving its imprint on the peace and development .Even the places of the stronghold of terrorism and the bastions of separatism are brimming with poll campaigns.
For example the down town in Srinagar city are now witnessing a marked change and poll candidates and the people there are also talking active part in elections.
The winds of change and improvement are brewing across the length and breadth of Jammu and Kashmir and the people are no longer giving shelter to the militants and there are no calls for the poll boycott for the first time in the history of Kashmir and people are for peace, normalcy and development.
The people also want the end of terrorism and they have realized the futility of terrorism and violence and want change and development and they also want end to the political uncertainty and so they support the election process and take delight to be part and parcel of the democratic process. This is a welcome development that the winds of change are brewing in valley and it is praise worthy that the calls for poll boycott are totally absent in today’s changed atmosphere and the people have now realized the futility of terrorism, violence and poll boycott calls. There is change for better and the absence of poll boycott calls and the enemies across the borders are frustrated at seeing no support to their nefarious designs in Kashmir. People no longer give even a passive support to the forces of doom unleashed by Pakistan. The misguided youth are returning to national mainstream and are shunning violence and are even taking part in the elections. To conclude we can say with certainty that the era of poll boycott are now a history.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist).

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