Resilience, the Art of bouncing back, transforms every setback into a comeback: Principal JKPS Kunjwani
JAMMU: “Forget mistakes, forget failures. Forget everything except what you are going to do right now and do it. Today is your lucky day, my dear! Quoting this impactful statement of Will Durant, Aaradhya Bhardwaj from Grade 6th Falcon conducted the Morning Assembly alongwith her classmates at JK Public School, Kunjwani.

Principal JK Public School Kunjwani Rajesh Rathore and students addressing morning assembly on Wednesday.
“Our greatest obstacles present us the greatest opportunity. This means life without obstacles removes opportunity for growth. You have to take advantage of your disadvantages. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom”, added Jaskirat.
Always remember that the bounce back is positive, often leading to the establishment of our inner strength. It does not matter how deep you fall, what matters the most is how high you bounce back”, added Musadiq.
Under the segment Quotations, Vismay quoted Mary Holloway, “Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up”. Saira referred to Greg Kincaid, “No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. That’s the only way to keep the roads clear.” Saba quoted J.K. Rowling, “Rock bottom became the solid foundation in which I re-built my life”. Tanish referred to Nelson Mandela, “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got up again”.
Aradhya Slathia referred to Maya Angelou, “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” Humera quoted Bob Richards – “It may sound strange, but many champions are made champions by setbacks”. Tiana referred to Robert F. Kennedy, “Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly”. Navneet quoted Confucius “Our greatest glory is not in never-falling, but in rising every time we fall”. Adhvik quoted Shane Koyczan, “If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.” Principal JKPS Kunjwani Rajesh Rathore applauded the presenters from Grade 6th Falcon for pumping in new josh in the audience and impacting their viewpoint. He said, “Life is a journey filled with highs and lows, triumphs and challenges. At some point, all of us face situations where things don’t go as planned. It may be poor grades, a missed opportunity, or a setback in our personal goals. These moments can be disheartening, even painful. But in such moments, our resilience, the art of bouncing back, becomes our greatest strength”.
“Resilience is about learning from failure, adapting to change, and moving forward with greater wisdom and determination. Imagine a rubber ball-when it hits the ground, it doesn’t stay there; it bounces back higher. Resilient people are like that ball. They turn their setbacks into comebacks. Recollect the famous statement of Thomas Alva Edison, who rightly said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Edison’s resilience gave the world the electric light bulb”, he added.
“Always remember, you are stronger than you think, braver than you believe, and more capable than you imagine. Life will challenge you, but you have what it takes to overcome, to grow, and to succeed. Let’s make today a day of determination and positivity. Let’s embrace resilience and prove to ourselves that no matter what comes our way, we will bounce back, stronger and higher”, he concluded.