The Bold Voice of J&K



Although with the passing time, the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir is tightening noose over the unwanted activities of the terrorists and their masters sitting across the border and various necessary measures are already in place in this regard but it is really a cause of worry and great concern for the administration and security forces that the terrorists are repeatedly carrying out attacks on the personnel of security forces and other soft including the members of minority communities and others belonging to outside states but staying in the Valley for earring their livelihood. Although the Government has issued stern instructions to the security forces and other concerned for intensifying the anti-insurgency operations to ensure elimination of the menace of terrorism for establishing peace on permanent basis across the Union Territory but it has been witnessed that despite all such initiatives, the anti-national elements are still active on ground level and carrying out their nefarious designs without any break. There is no doubt that a significant decline is there in the number of terror incidents and causalities across J&K in comparison to earlier years but it is also a harsh fact that still several innocent people are felling prey to the menace of terrorism on almost every single day. In order to establish their presence on the ground level and to infuse a sense of insecurity and fear among the people especially the members of minority communities working across the Valley under the PM employment package, the terrorists have recently changed their modus operandi and instead of carrying out massive attack over people, they are now preferring the targeted killings as in recent few days a number of Government employees have been shot dead by the terrorists. The security forces are also not behind and trying hard to eliminate all such terror preparators by carrying out intensive drive against active terrorists and their supporters, who are responsible for the killings of the innocent people but the need of the hour is to put in place some out of the box initiatives for keeping an effective check over the anti-national activities of the terrorists so that the peace can be established permanently and the Union territory of J&K, which few years back was a disturbed state, can restore its pristine glory and once again became a active hotspot for tourists across the globe.

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