The Bold Voice of J&K

Relocation of PM Package employees


Vivek Koul

Hard days are going on for the employees who are appointed under the PM’s economic package as the government is not paying any sort heed towards their only demand of relocation outside Kashmir. The agitating PM package employees are protesting from the last more than a month and are demanding their relocation outside the valley. As we know that the situation in Kashmir at present is neither feasible nor conducive for the working of these employees. However, the government has already transferred many PM package employees to the district headquarters and other safer locations. But in Kashmir there is no safer zone/place as we have witnessed many assassinations of PM package employees and other Hindu minorities even at the tehsil/district headquarters. Thus there is nothing like a safe zone or any secure area in Kashmir. It is very unfortunate that these PM package employees are being treated as bonded labors by the government. The government seems to be less interested in resolving the woes and issues of Package employees. These employees don’t need any sort of promotions, accommodations and appraisals. They don’t have any demand of their service related matters. The government was in deep slumber from the last 12 years as far as the promotions and seniority of these package employees is concerned. Now the government is giving lollipops to PM package employees by resolving their service related issues. Since after the spike in selective and targeted killing of minorities, these package employees have already left the valley and are now protesting in Jammu for their one point demand of relocation. These employees are not demanding anything impractical but are only requesting the government to adjust them outside the Kashmir so that their precious lives could be saved from the brute forces. There is gross human rights violation in Kashmir as far as these PM package employees are concerned but the government is least bothered about the lives and dignity of KP migrant employees. The dance of death, blood bath and mayhem is continuing in Kashmir and the package employees are becoming targets of the selective killings and in this atmosphere of fear and uncertainty the package employees cannot live and perform their duties across Kashmir valley. Thus these unfortunate sons of mother India are demanding their relocation to Jammu division and other nearby states so that their lives are saved. The package employees are on protest from over a month but the UT government and the BJP government of centre is not paying any heed and attention towards the genuine problems of the package employees. It seems that the BJP government of centre and the UT administration are unconcerned and unnerved about the sad plight of the package employees and as such they do not pay any attention towards the agitating package employees. The government is paying a deaf ear to the pressing demand of the relocation of the package employees to Jammu division. The BJP is only concerned with the vote bank politics and is using and throwing rather dumping the Kashmiri Pandits as per their utility and convenience. The BJP seems least concerned with the welfare of the Kashmiri Pandits but only uses them as vote catching device in different states of India. The government is insensitive and unconcerned to the problems of the package employees and so do not pay any attention towards the pressing demand of their relocation to Jammu division. The government should accede the genuine demand of the relocation of the package employees to Jammu division and other nearby states. Thus, the UT government should order their shifting to Jammu province so that their life and honor is saved. Therefore without wasting time and energy the UT government should order the relocation of the package employees to Jammu division so that the aspirations of the package employees are fulfilled. By ordering relocation the UT government will kill two birds with one stone. On one hand the precious lives of the package employees will be saved and on the other side the relocated package employees will contribute their might to the productivity and efficiency.
But it seems that the UT government and the BJP government of centre are indifferent and reluctant to the genuine demand of the relocation of the package employees and so they do not give any importance to the agitating package employees.
The government both of the UT and the centre is maintaining a stoic silence over the demands of the package employees and are in fact ignoring them.
In Kashmir day in and day out the innocent civilians including Kashmiri Pandits package employees are being killed by the terrorists without any respite and remorse and this has created fear psychosis in the minds of the package employees as such they are unable to perform their duties across Kashmir valley and so they demand their shifting to safer Jammu division so that their life, limb and dignity is saved.
The government should shun its rigid stand and ego and order the relocation of the package employees to Jammu and other nearby states so that their precious life is saved.
The government should not make Kashmiri Pandits as the sitting ducks and cannon fodders to the roaring guns of the terrorist.
They should not be made sacrificial goats to be sacrificed at the altar of the secular democracy of the country. The package employees have made it clear to the government that they cannot live and work in Kashmir in the prevailing surcharged atmosphere and so they demand their relocation to Jammu division for the time being.
The ground conditions in Kashmir are far from being normal as killings of the innocents and security forces are continuing without any respite.
When the security forces are not safe in Kashmir then how can they provide security to the innocent civilians and the Kashmiri Pandits and package employees.
The BJP government of the centre and the UT government are painting a rosy picture of the Kashmir and are only parroting the false narrative of normalcy in Kashmir.
The fact is that the conditions are far from normal as the targeted killings are taking place across Kashmir valley. In fact the normalcy balloon of the BJP and the UT administration has since punctured and there are no takers of the false theory of normalcy in Kashmir.
Therefore, the package employees cannot work in the atmosphere of fear and panic in Kashmir and therefore it is the best option that the government should order their relocation outside the Kashmir valley to Jammu division so that they do not become cannon fodders to the guns of the terrorists.
Thus the government should wake up from the deep slumber and shun their rigid stand and order the relocation of the package employees to Jammu division.
The package employees are agitating in the scorching heat of the June from the last over a month,but it is not affecting the powers that be.
Now the package employees have decided to continue their agitation in the premises of the Relief Commissioner Migrants at canal road and so all the package employees are uniting to continue their peaceful protest at Relief commissioner’s premises to force the government to pay heed towards their genuine demand of relocation to Jammu division.
The Relief Commissioner is the guardian of the migrants and therefore he should convey the demands of the protesting package employees to the UT administration for its early resolution.
Relief commissioner is the channel of communication between the government and the Kashmiri Pandit migrants and so he should convey the demands of the agitating package employees to the UT government so that the problems of these hapless employees are addressed and solved.
In short the LG administration should pay heed towards the agitating package employees and order their relocation to Jammu division because nothing short of relocation is acceptable to the package employees.
Now enough is enough the government should shun its ego and order the relocation of the package employees to Jammu division.
The relocation of the package employees to Jammu will not lead to the failure of the return and rehabilitation policy because the employment package is an economic package and it is not a rehabilitation package and there is need for delinking the employment package with the return an d rehabilitation policy.
Thus, the government should order the relocation of the package employees to Jammu division so that their precious lives are saved and they are in position to work without any fear, duress and oppression.
So the government should pay topmost attention towards the agitating package employees and redress their only and genuine demand of relocation to Jammu division.

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