The Bold Voice of J&K

Relocate PM Package employees


Dear Editor,
The PM Package employees are protesting from the last 25 days and are rightly demanding their relocation outside Kashmir valley as they feel mentally stressed and are in trauma due to recent targeted killings. These unfortunate package employees are in a quandary as they feel total insecure in Kashmir and are caught between two stools. A sense of hopelessness revolves around these package employees as the government seems less interested in resolving their long pending demand of relocation outside Kashmir valley. The package KP employees are facing the worst human rights violations in Kashmir and are feeling sad, dejected and distressed. But unfortunately, the LG’s administration is reluctant to pay any heed towards their demand of relocation outside Kashmir and other safer places of India. It has come to limelight that almost all Package employees have left the valley due to fear psychosis and are not willing to join back their duties as they feel total threatened and unsafe in Kashmir. The ground situation in Kashmir for package employees is bleak and their future is on stake. However, this PM’s job package for KPs is purely an economic package so it should not be linked in any way with the rehabilitation of KP community. Thus relocation of the package employees outside the valley is not going to make any difference with the rehabilitation policy of the government. It is the need of the hour that the PM package employees be immediately relocated outside the Kashmir valley without wasting any time till the situation stabilizes.
Vivek Koul,

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