The Bold Voice of J&K

Rehab package

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Union Govt’s  rehabilitation package  of Rs 2,437 Cr  seems  to have  not gone well with  various sections  of the society in Kashmir. Terming it too little and too late the traders  in Valley  see it as a humiliation. No where a state hangs on relief like Jammu and Kashmir and the 2014 floods which hit Valley had equal impact on Jammu region also with  some of the villages vanishing from the map of the State and their existence is only on revenue records. But Kashmir has kept on crying hoarse. Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are facing the nature’s wrath every year during monsoon. Never heard these states crying for relief especially when the farming community bears the maximum brunt. The rehabilitation package which was announced for Jammu and Kashmir is besides the already announced relief. Keeping the widespread encroachments of forest  land  and unauthorised constructions  which had sprung  up in Valley  in recent  years,  without giving  any consideration to rules of the land, the compensation cannot be justified and thus not paid. Before this Kedarnath too faced such wrath which left  thousands dead and property worth corers damaged. Here also majority of the damages recorded were of unauthorised constructions around the temple and surrounding area blocking the natural flow of the water. Today life has returned back and pilgrims have started coming to the temple. Kashmir too saw the inundation because of such random constructions but even after  over nine months has not come out of it and is looking forward to  relief from Centre. Is it not the politics of relief ? Of all the people traders of Kashmir have been vociferous over the relief released by the Centre. What  this section of the society must have construed that the Centre would dump the funds without asking   for the spending or is it the idea that Kashmir  is the only  region which needs the utmost care leaving rest of the State in the lurch?  The State should learn to raise funds of its own like  North Eastern or the other states which too have faced inter turmoil, militancy and unrest almost of the same tenure of over two decades. Yet they do not cry for funds. It is going  to be nearly a year people should  be able to  sort the problems at their own end  and not wait  for Govt  freebies  especially the trading community, which is nowhere poor for rehabilitation. The  natural calamities should not be made a financial mockery  to get some mileage in any sense.

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