The Bold Voice of J&K

Re-building Kashmir

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A family from Bemina area known for elegance, hospitality and living prosperously had to be evacuated by boats at past mid night. Besides what they were wearing, they carried what the lady’s vanity bag could contain, the little cash that was at home and the ATM cards. As the water level started rising they could manage to shift some documents, academic certificates, the holy book and some photos of the family elders now not there. On being met at their relatives place in Jammu all what she could do was to hand over the mobile with record of photos with water gushing in, inundating their luxurious house with choiced decor and furnishings sinking one by one, on the ground floor and then the first floor. Her moist eyes revealed more than what chocked throat could say Bhai Jaan! Ashiyana Gark Ho Gaya. Tasleem (name changed) is neither the only one, nor among the worst off-no family member is lost, house though dangerous, still stands and found shelter with relatives in Jammu. A lot more are much worst off as the news trickles from down town and yet inundated colonies not easily accessible even by boats and the help is way-laid, hi-jacked enroute by ruffians-nurtured over the years, encouraged for lawlessness and let free on amnesties as a ‘political’ solution to crime.
The Chief Minister’s is the only voice that emerges from the din to ‘rebuild Kashmir’ drop by drop, may be inch by inch. Things cannot be allowed to wait for long. At least the physical safety and shelters (Ashiyana) has to be provided before the winter brings its Kehar (agony). It is a problem, well beyond the administrative capability, resources of the financially hand to mouth, non-productive revenue crunch ridden State with ‘special status’ blocking national entrepreneur, industrialisation, growth, development and job opportunities.
It is also, therefore, time to rebuild our ethos and realise what nature has ordained the Valley and the affected Jammu regions too. We insist on calling it a ‘national calamity’ we want the ‘nation’ to help and share our pain, misery and agony and seek ‘national’ help ‘beyond norms’-Do we also feel ‘one’ with the nation?

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