The Bold Voice of J&K

Rashtriya Bajrang Dal protests against ‘Love Jihad’, asks LG to enact strict law

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JAMMU: The Rashtriya Bajrang Dal Jammu on Friday staged a strong protest against ‘Love Jihad’ and burnt effigy in protest against the brutal killing of Doctor in Pamposh Colony of Janipur two days ago.
Rakesh Bajrangi, J&K president of Rashtriya Bajrang Dal, who led the demonstration, said that such brutal killings used to happen in other parts of the country under ‘Love Jihad’, but this kind of brutal killing happened for the first time in Jammu and Kashmir.
Rakesh said that in order to curb such incidents in the J&K, the government needs to make a strict law on conversion and Love Jihad.
Before this, he said, the Sharda massacre in Delhi, the massacre that took place in Haryana, the burning of a doctor’s daughter alive in the southern part of India, we were constantly on the streets to prevent such incidents demanding that a strict law should be made against Love Jihad and religious conversion.
A state like UP has made a strict law on this, in which a provision of 10 years of punishment has been placed.
“In Hindu minority Jammu and Kashmir, Love Jihad incidents are constantly coming up and every time we remind the government that it should stop these incidents by bringing strict laws against religious conversion, but the government has not paid attention to it till date as a result, a doctor in Janipur brutally killed by stabbing her with a knife.
After killing him, the young man made a suicide note and made it viral on social media and injured himself.
“We demand from the government that there is no need to keep such wretched people alive, such wretched people should be shot. There has been a constant demand in the whole country that there should be a strict law against love Jihad and conversion in the whole country.” he said adding that till this law is not made, our Hindu daughters will continue to be victims of love jihad in the same way.
He requested the Lt. Governor to enact a strict law on Love Jihad conversion as soon as possible.
Rakesh Bajrangi said that if the government does not accept our demand as soon as possible, then we will start a mass movement, the protest will be done in the entire UT.

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