The Bold Voice of J&K

Race for ‘Jail Baro Andolan’ & Kejri’s wishlist


JAMMU: Enraged over the announcement of CBI probe into the Excise Policy and apprehensive about the imminent arrest of his deputy Manish Sisodia, Aam Aadmi Party chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in a daredevil style with his ‘musical’ voice dared the Centre, saying, “You (BJP) are the disciples of Savarkar, who apologized to the British. We are followers of Bhagat Singh who refused to surrender to the British and sacrificed his life. We are not afraid of going to jail.”

By tagging himself with the name of Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Kejriwal is trivializing the grit, determination and spirit of sacrifice of India’s greatest heroes, who embraced gallows with a smile on his face and the vision of the motherland’s future in his eyes.
Kejriwal is talking about surrender and does he know what he says? Shaheed Bhagat Singh didn’t even know the term surrender. And Kejri is on record having surrendered wholesale. Basing his politics on lies and indulging in character assassination of his adversaries, the Delhi Chief Minister surrendered umpteen times. One doesn’t know how many times he will do so with a sense of pride. He has also referred to the reported apology of Veer Savarkar to the British, conveniently ignoring his apologies to who’s who of the Indian politics.
Credibility is something unknown to the erstwhile disciple of Anna Hazare. He is hugely suffering from the credibility deficit, which is why his clean chit of honesty to his jailed minister Satyander Jain has no takers.
Infamous for leveling baseless charges and making false accusations against one and all, Kejirwal is on record having apologized to the former Punjab Minister Bikram Singh Majithia for repeatedly targeting him over the drug problem in Punjab. He also apologized to senior BJP leader Nitin Gadkari for his “unverified allegations against the Union minister and including his name in the AAP’s list of ‘India’s most corrupt’. Kejriwal has also reportedly sought an apology from the Congress leader Kapil Sibal.
Tendering apology after apology by a person for his false allegations raises several questions about the sanctity of the constitutional positions he holds. He is a habitual offender and therefore making brave claims of not fearing from going to jail appear to be hollow. Kejriwal’s credibility got a huge dent when he offered his apology to the late former Finance Minister Arun Jaitly, by writing to him, I had made certain statements about you and your family in December 2015 and thereafter in connection with your tenure as the president of the Delhi and District Cricket Association. These allegations also form part of the subject matter of proceedings currently pending adjudication before the Hon’ ble Delhi High Court and Ld.CMM, Patiala House Court, New Delhi. These allegations made by me were based on information and papers furnished to me by certain individuals who represented to have first-hand insight into the affairs of DDCA. However, I have recently discovered that the information and the imputations contained therein are unfounded and unwarranted and I was clearly misinformed into making these allegations. Therefore, I unequivocally withdraw all the allegations made by me in question whether made in print, electronic or social media against you. I offer my sincere apology to you and your family members for any harm caused to your reputation as a consequence of my allegations. Though we belong to two different political parties, I believe that we should end the unsavoury litigations between us and serve the people of our country to the best of your ability.”
In a nationwide climate of ‘violent’ Satyagrahs and Jail Baro Andolans by the sympathizers of those facing corruption charges across the country, the Delhi Chief Minister should introspect over his chronic syndrome of indulging in falsehood. He better watch his words before making these public to escape embarrassment and ridicule.

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