The Bold Voice of J&K

Protein less

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AT a  time  when there is  a controversy  going on  the quality and safety  of fast foods, the simple Indian food has been found woefully deficient  in proteins. Most of the Indian meals have  less proteins compared  to Western  ones. Even the Indian  non-vegetarian meals have been  found  deficient on this aspect. One of the key symptoms of lack of proteins is weakness and fatigues. The epidemic of lifestyle diseases can also be addressed if the intake of proteins are increased in our daily food. This is the one main reason that Indians have poor muscle mass. Adding to the poor intake of proteins is the low awareness on the importance of meat, poultry, fish, legumes (dry beans and peas), eggs, nuts and milk and milk products. Our food has excess starch and fat but low proteins resulting into less muscle  mass. But  it does not mean to increase the intake of artificial mass building proteins which is commonly found among the young generations. There is a word of caution such intakes at later stage have side effects like muscles dystrophy which affects body motor coordination  and even brain functioning. What is needed is a balanced diet comprising of vegetables, cereals, animal or milk products, fruits to give a better living to cope up modern day’s pressure and tension in personal and professional lives. A change in planning perspective will surely bring in better dividends especially when focus should  be on health at micro level. There is a need for concerted  effort  from state  as well as  Central Govt  to proactively mount an advance action plan  to create an awareness among the masses for  better food habits and health concerns especially for the expectant mothers and infants who are the most vulnerable segment of the society.

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